Pentapod's World of 2300AD This article details a Harrier-like aircraft, just what every military campaign needs for a little close air support.  Just watch out for the Kafer snap-fire missiles.  My thanks to Clare for granting permission for me to host it on my web site. - Kevin Clark - Aug. 20th, 1998.

AV-90 Marine VTOL

Ground-attack fighter hardware for 2300 AD

by Clare W. Hess

Copyright ©1990, 1998 Clare W. Hess.  All Rights Reserved.
Originally published in Challenge magazine #42.

TEXT entry by Terry Kuchta

HTML entry/layout/editing by Kevin Clark
( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com )
Please report errors to me.

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In 2280, the U.S. Marine Corps adopted a new ground-attack aircraft to replace its aging fleet of AV-77 VTOL jets.  Like its predecessor, the AV-90 is capable of vertical take-off and landing, and can carry a wide variety of weaponry, including both air-to-ground and air-to-air weapons.  While the AV-90 is used extensively throughout the corps, its use is not as wide-spread as the aircraft it was designed to replace.  The reason is that the corps has adopted a much wider variety of aircraft over the past three decades, providing it with a more versatile air support capability.  The AV-90 is primarily found in use with the 8th Interface Wing, now operating throughout the French Arm, and the 7th Air Wing which is one of the Earthbound Marine Corps units.


The AV-90 is a well armored, ruggedly constructed aircraft, ideally suited for deployment near the battle front.  Its reliable twin TJ-3200 engines are practically maintenance free and provide enough thrust to give the craft a top speed of 900 kph.  The AV-90 has a combat radius of 2000km, which with extended fuel tankage, can be extended to just over 3500 km.  Using vectored thrust from its engine exhaust, the craft is able to take-off and land vertically, making large, paved runways unnecessary. However, unlike some vectored thrust aircraft, the AV-90's exhaust can only be channeled downward and aft, and lacks steerable nozzles to adjust exhaust in any other direction.  This makes the craft less maneuverable than some other VTOLs, but also makes it easier to maintain.

The craft is equipped with a high degree of armor protection, making it a first-class choice in the ground-attack role.  The underside armor is particularly strong, shielding the craft's crew and internal components from ground fire.  This armor is capable of stopping small arms fire, as well as fire from most plasma guns and light autocannons.  The AV-90's integral armament consists solely of a single fixed-mount 25mm autocannon, located in the craft's fuselage.  This weapons is belt-fed from a 200-round magazine.  The craft also has a small internal weapons bay which is capable of carrying extra fuel tankage, a pair of 200 kg bombs, or two air-defense missile racks with three missiles each.  The craft is also equipped with three hardpoints on each of its stubby wings for carrying external weapons stores.  The four outboard hardpoints are each capable of carrying up to a 200kg payload, while the two inboard points can carry up to 400 kg each.

Crew: Pilot, gunner Weight: 9000 kg Armor: All Faces: 6 Armament: One 25mm autocannon with 200-round magazine, 6 wing hardpoints, 2 internal hardpoints Evasion: 18 Sensor Range: 300km ( +2) Signature: -2 Max Speed: 900 kph Cruising Speed: 800 kph Combat Movement: 1800 m Endurance: 5 hour Price: Lv2,250,000



The following new ordnance is available.

100kg WASP Bomb: Type: Aircraft-guided bomb Nation: Generic Launcher Weight: 0 Bomb Weight: 200 kg Range: 6 km Guidance: Automatic following gunner lock-on Homing Value: 10 Attack Angle: Direct Burst Radius: 500m DPV: 6 Price: Lv2000

100 kg High-Explosive Bomb: Type: Aircraft-guided bomb Nation: Generic Launcher Weight: 0 Bomb Weight: 200 kg Range: 6 km Guidance: Automatic following gunner lock-on Homing Value: 10 Attack Angle: Direct Burst Radius: 500m DP: As explosion ( EP=60) Price: Lv1200

MK40 Iron Rain Cluster Bomb: The Mk40 is actually more of a bomblet dispenser than a bomb by itself.  It is an area weapon that disperses numerous bomblets over a large stretch of land.  The area affected varies with the altitude and speed of the launching aircraft.  At normal low-altitude attack speed, it covers an area roughly 100m wide and 1000m long.  For each group of infantry within the effected area, roll a 1D10 and subtract one.  In the case of vehicles, make a 1d10 roll, but subtract three instead. This is the distance to the nearest impacting bomblet.  Next roll 2d10 and add this to the first roll to determine the distance to the next closest impacting bomblet.  Use the scatter diagram for artillery rounds given in the 2300 AD rules to determine the direction of the impact.

Type: Freefall submunitions dispenser Nation: Generic Launcher Weight: 0 Bomb Weight: 200 kg Dispersal Area: 100m wide by 1000 m long Range: 0 Guidance: None Attack Angle: Direct DVP: As tamped explosion ( EP=4) Price: Lv1000

AAM-12W Lightning Bolt Air-to-Air Missile: Type: Air-to-air missile Nation: America Missile Weight: 50 kg Range: 120 km (flight time to maximum range is one minute) Guidance: Automatic following gunner lock-on Homing Value: 22 Attack Angle: Direct DP: As tamped explosion ( EP=8) Missile Price: Lv12,000

ACM-27P Guardian Countermeasures Pod: The Guardian countermeasures pod fits on an aircraft's ordnance hardpoint in place of any 100 kg weapon.  The unit operates by disrupting the targeting of any missile which is locked onto the aircraft.  This tends to work best on human-designed missiles.  Against Kafer missiles, the results are less predictable.  When activated, the unit reduces the homing value of any human-made missile targeted onto the aircraft by 2D6 and any Kafer made missile by 1D10.

Type: Aircraft ECM pod Nation: American Weight: 93 kg Range of Effect: 100 km Price: Lv35,000

-Clare W. Hess

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Last Update: 1998 Aug 20
First Online: 1998 Aug 20
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Website maintained by: Kevin Clark ( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com )