
HTML Validation Service

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htmlscript - Makes CGI Easy And Server Safe
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Web Apps Magazine is designed for professional developers and programmers who are building applications for the World Wide Web.This magazine focuses on the practical uses of web technology in real engineering and commercial environments.

Regular columns in Web Apps will include: electronic commerce; protocols, interfaces, and standards; database/application integration; Web reliability and security; networking, access, and bandwidth; Web programming languages and development tools; concurrency; multithreading; and more.


Level of Conformance

Level 2 Level 3 Level 3.2 (Wilbur) UPDATE ICON Level 3.2+ (Cougar)
Mozilla SoftQuad AdvaSoft
Microsoft IE Microsoft IE 3.0 Beta

NEW By popular demand (and it is the right thing to do) is a new option to treat URL ampersands only in your HTML document before the SGML parser gets a hold of it. This allows you to validate HTML documents which contains encoded URLs. By unselecting the Treat URL Ampersands option, you can by pass this check. This will remain an option until more field testing has been done by the users.

Coming soon! We will provide the ability to validate a URL by using a simple URL such as:

These methods will make certain assumptions about chosen options. You also must include a DOCTYPE declaration in each HTML document for this method to work for you.

Responses to Include in Report

Show Input Show Parser Output Show Formatted Output
Treat URL Ampersands NEW

Check Documents by URL

Enter the URLs of the documents you wish to check:

Check Bits and Pieces Interactively

If you just have a quick question, rather than constructing a document and giving the address, you can enter your test data here: (be sure to erase any URLs above first!)

Enter bits of HTML you have a question about:

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Last updated and validated Thu 6 Feb 97 by webmaster@webtechs.com
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