Sausage Software
Ideas & Suggestions

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As we all know by now, Sausage Software is the coolest software company in the known Universe. One of the many reasons why we are so unbearably coooool is because we create the software you want and need, and we make it work the way you want and need it to. How do we manage to do all that? Easy. We ask you - the user - what you'd like!

We have embarked on a bold new business strategy. Whereas most software companies concentrate on a limited number of big, expensive programs, we're going to do it different. We're going to create lots and lots of little programs that do one thing only, do it very well, and are very affordable.

If you'd like to help us to create more useful software that will make your life easier and your Web pages better, all you have to do is tell us what you'd like. If we like your idea, and if we're not already working on something like it anyway, we'll get our team of talented programmers to pump out a new program that does what you want it to.

What's in it for you? Well, lots really!

  • We'll confirm in writing that we'll use your idea for a new program
  • We'll give you a groovy Sausage Software T-Shirt
  • We'll give you a free copy of the program as soon as it's written
  • The new program will make your Web pages easier and groovier to create and maintain, and maybe even give you back some spare time so you can have a life - like normal people who don't work on the Web!
So how do you get involved? Easy. Just send an eMail to and tell us what sort of program you'd like us to write. Tell us in one sentence what it should do (in a nutshell) and then tell us what additional features you would like it to have. If we like it, and think we can do it, we'll get in touch!

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