Update by Sheldon Nidle for The Galactic Federation
May 20, 1997 (4 Oc, 18 Muan, 5 Eb)

Greetings! We come today with what we feel is some very fascinating news. We shall be continuing our discussion of the final preparations for first contact, as well as significant information about your own, as well as your planet's, Ascension processes. As we have done in the past, we would like to ask that you continue your meditations and prayers for the success of our mass landing operation. This mass landing process is a quite complex and extremely intricate project. The wonderful spiritual energies that we have so far shared together have allowed us to get where we are today. Now we just need to continue them for this last and most complicated final step. The Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation deeply wish to thank you for this most important work that you have accomplished. As the divine right time for this procedure swiftly approaches, just know that all of you are indeed a most incredible group of incarnated souls.

On 3 Muluc, 17 Muan, 5 Eb (May 19, 1997), the Spiritual Hierarchy forwarded a report to the Agenda and Scheduling Committee. This report noted that the major adjustments on all "star seeds" would be completed by 0300 Hours GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) on 4 Oc, 18 Muan, 5 Eb (May 20, 1997). The only part left to accomplish was the final alteration to the planet's subtle energy fields. These adjustments would use various "star seeds" as transducers to prepare the Earth and its human population for the "star seeds' " teleportation and training time. When the "star seeds" are placed elsewhere for approximately 3 hours, planet Earth will be without its primary energy transducers. To fully remedy this situation, the Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy has been collecting energy though certain "star seeds" and storing it in a special section of the planet's subtle bodies. This unique storage "battery" will be able to last for about 4 hours. The entire collection procedure will be completed by 12:00 Hours GMT on 5 Batz, 19 Muan, 5 Eb (May 21, 1997).

The Agenda and Scheduling Committee was also informed that the Galactic Federation Fleet would require a special one-day (24 Hour) maintenance cycle before the mass landings are begun. The Committee was informed by the fleet's command staff that this repair cycle was to begin at 18:00 Hours on 4 Oc, 18 Muan, 5 Eb (May 20, 1997). This repair cycle would take care of all possible maintenance needs for the mass landing fleet's ships for the next six weeks. The fleet's requirements had not been met during the most recent "final" stand-by period. Therefore, this special request is considered important for the fleet to be able to continue to operate at peak efficiency. All of the fleet's ships are self-repairable. However, certain maintenance functions require that key operating systems be shut down for relatively short periods of time. This procedure is not possible when the ships are in final landing mode. With this process achieved, the landing operation will be able to successfully go forward whenever the divine right timing is at hand.

In the last three days, the landing fleet has been joined by the advanced operation staff from the Galactic Federation's Main Science and Exploration Liaison Board. Their primary purpose will be to fully observe the operation and to offer back-up on any possible contingencies as they may develop. This development demonstrates the amount of commitment that the Galactic Federation has given to this procedure. We now have at our disposal every major officer who has been involved in a first contact mission over the last 1500 years. We are determined to complete this mission on time and to do so in a very successful manner. In this regard, the Liaison Board has begun a series of consultations with the command staff. These consultations have resulted in a series of possible back-up procedures. Among those procedures that have been discussed are the following:

First, the entire Science and Exploration fleets of the Galactic Federation have been put on a final stand-by alert. By so doing, it becomes possible to use them for any necessary task. The Galactic Federation is completely dedicated to the success of this mission. We wish to complete this procedure as soon as is divinely possible. When this operation begins, we intend to inform all group and fleet commanders that they have access to any back-up that they may require. This mission is, as formerly noted, on a "no further delay" proviso. The mass landings are a most complicated mixture of dimensional and divine energies. The Spiritual Hierarchy has never before been so involved in a major first contact operation. The liaison work and other communicative procedures have, as a result, been immense in their scope. We presently stand on the eve of the commencement of this operation. When it occurs, it will go as smoothly and as successfully as is divinely possible.

Second, the main Galactic Federation fleets have been altered for any possible alternative scenarios. These alternative scenarios will be discussed when they are beyond the realm of the slightest possibilities. Suffice it to say, these many proposals are now only being preliminarily explored. In all probability, they will not go beyond the early planning stages. It is our sincere hope that these numerous alternatives will not be needed. Yet it is necessary, even at this very late date, to consider all these possibilities. You and your planet are very precious to all members of the Galactic Federation of Light. We are committed to your movement into full consciousness as quickly as divine time permits. Accordingly, the Galactic Federation has assigned to this mission those key personnel and the essential equipment that will ensure its success. In any case, you will soon be involved in the final stage of our first contact with you—the mass landings operations.

While the above procedures have been underway, the Angelic Realms have been preparing all of you for our coming. As we just recorded, the new adjustments for the "star seeds" have been completed. Meanwhile, the Angelics have also been involved in subtly preparing the majority of your population for our arrival. By 0100 Hours GMT on 6 Eb, 0 Pax, 5 Eb (May 22, 1997), a special communicative energy will have been inserted in every Earth human. When accessed, it will allow you to be easily instructed by our advanced educating technologies. These technologies will permit us to accelerate your knowledge absorption skills by some 6000 per cent. With the assistance of the "star seeds", your education in full consciousness should be completed in under eight days. The rest of your requisite knowledge will be acquired during the first three days of your exposure to the main photon belt.

Your planet is now quickly adjusting to its restraints. This situation has shortened the time frame for this operation. It has also demonstrated planet Earth's very intense desire to now move into full consciousness. Galactic Federation scientists have recently noticed that planet Earth is now able to move three-dimensional linear time forward at an accelerated pace. Further, it has begun to once again move its Schuman resonance cycle toward the critical mass number of 13. This process began when Gaia was able to finally push its newly integrated subtle fields inward. This planetary implosion, which finally occurred on 2 Lamat, 16 Muan, 5 Eb (May 18, 1997), has propelled our environment into a most critical time frame. In effect, the Earth has told us that the time is now. This situation also means that we must plan alternatives. However, our "no further delay" scenario now means that our mass landing operation must happen very shortly. So, as you can see, our time to be among you is becoming very imminent.

So, let us now close this brief missive to you. As we do so, we would like to remind you that this activity is being accomplished in right divine order and right divine time. Even so, we all know that the time approaches to finally go ahead and complete a most important task. As we finally do this procedure, remember that we come in love, peace, and joy. It is a time when a divine intervention will finally put an end to your present reality. As this mission moves ahead, it will end the frustration that all of us have undergone. It will also end the difficulties that have plagued this complex operation from its inception. We have constantly mentioned the vast impediments that this most divine mission has encountered. One of the great pluses has been the cooperation of various Earth "star seeds". We are deeply indebted for your assistance and thank you for your championing of this first contact mission. We would like to close with a simple Lyran/Sirian proverb—Loh Tay Na (All good things are fated in the stars to happen). We leave you now with much blessings of Love, Joy, and Prosperity. Selamat Ja! (Be in Joy!)

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