The WADster's Guide on the World Wide Web

Hexen Miscellaneous Special Actions

Miscellaneous Actions

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	121:Line_SetIdentification / line / arg2 / arg3 / arg4 / arg5
		line:		unique id of this line

            The script functions setlineblocking, setlinespecial, and
            setlinetexture use the ID specified here to identify lines.

	100:Scroll_Texture_Left / speed / arg2 / arg3 / arg4 / arg5
	101:Scroll_Texture_Right / speed / arg2 / arg3 / arg4 / arg5
	102:Scroll_Texture_Up / speed / arg2 / arg3 / arg4 / arg5
	103:Scroll_Texture_Down / speed / arg2 / arg3 / arg4 / arg5
        speed:      speed of scroll in pixels

	129:UsePuzzleItem / item / script / s_arg1 / s_arg2 / s_arg3
		item:		item number needed to activate
		script:		script to run upon activation

            Runs a script upon use of appropriate puzzle item:

            0   ZZ_Skull
            1   ZZ_BigGem
            2   ZZ_GemRed
            3   ZZ_GemGreen1
            4   ZZ_GemGreen2
            5   ZZ_GemBlue1
            6   ZZ_GemBlue2
            7   ZZ_Book1
            8   ZZ_Book2
            9   ZZ_Skull2
            10  ZZ_FWeapon
            11  ZZ_CWeapon
            12  ZZ_MWeapon
            13  ZZ_Gear
            14  ZZ_Gear2
            15  ZZ_Gear3
            16  ZZ_Gear4

	140:Sector_ChangeSound / tag / sound / arg3 / arg4 /  arg5
		tag:		tag of sector to contain sound
		sound:		sound to be played - see sector sounds

	120:Earthquake / intensity / duration / damrad / tremrad / tid
		intensity:	strength of earthquake in richters [1..9]
		duration:	duration in tics [1..255]
        damrad:     radius of damage in 64x64 cells [0..255]
		tremrad:	radius of tremor in 64x64 cells [0..255]
		tid:		TID of map thing(s) for quake foci

            Creates an earthquake at all matching foci.

	74:Teleport_NewMap / map / position / arg3 / arg4 / arg5
		map:		map to teleport to
        position:   corresponds to destination player start spot arg0.

            Teleports the player to a new map and to the player start spot
            whose arg0 member matches 'position.'

	75:Teleport_EndGame / arg1 / arg2 / arg3 / arg4 / arg5

		Ends game and runs finale script.
        In deathmatch, teleports to level 1.

	70:Teleport / tid / arg2 / arg3 / arg4 / arg5
		tid:		TID of destination

            Teleports triggering object to MapSpot with tid.

	71:Teleport_NoFog / tid / arg2 / arg3 / arg4 / arg5
        Same as teleport, but silent with no fog sprite.

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copyright (©) 1995 Steve Benner. All rights reserved.
DOOM and DOOM II are trademarks of id Software inc. Heretic and Hexen are trademarks of Raven Software, inc.

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I am grateful to CRES for providing space on their server for these pages.

Last updated: November 5, 1995