"I want too much too soon. I'm too much of a dreamer. I'm a workaholic. I'm a net.addict. I smoke too much. I sleep too little. I'm anal retentive. I'm touchy, I'm a hothead, I can be completely single-minded and together about one thing and utterly scatterbrained about the next. I want to see everything and do everything and feel everything and think everything and speak everything. I want to be everywhere at once. I want to ask every question and prove every hypothesis. And I want to write it all down. Who in their right mind would want to deal with someone like that??

(from Heavy Water, 14 Feb 1996)

in may 98


Old Homepage: Water (offline)
New Homepage: old URL (just a portal. this week it's red.)
Story Site: COLORS (ongoing)
Work Site: KIA.NET (ongoing)
Future Stuff: metaporn.com, bleed.net and a few others if you ask.



Contact: maggy@moments.org


98.11.10.: "In the days that follow, the prevailing sensation is one of stretching, intellectual and emotional alike."

98.10.13.: "The date on the certificate is September 18, 1998."

98.09.29.: "Methinks my husband likes my canteloupe."

98.09.15.: "This warranty does not cover loss or damage, other than that incurred in normal wear, or theft or mysterious disappearance."

I've covered so much of this already over the past few years that I'm having a hard time writing anything at all in this space. But I suppose you should know a bit about who I am. I know that counts, somewhat.

At the moment, I'm a 28 year old woman who is:

  • the mother of a wonderful, intelligent, beautiful six-year old named Katrina
  • deeply, irrevocably, inevitably in love with the most brilliant and devishly handsome man in the universe
  • a self-identified lesbian
  • the owner of a web consulting/hosting company and a web fanatic
  • a storyteller, through and through
  • a former resident of Romania, Athens, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, and Chicago
  • a current resident of Fairfax County, Virginia (just outside Washington D.C.)
  • at the core, a gypsy

While that may all be useful to the casual observer, it doesn't even begin to explain any of me, and after almost four years of trying, I've given up. Frankly, this makes me exceedingly happy.

It's enough that those closest to me know who I am, what I'm made of, and of what I'm capable.

So then... what is this?

Everything you see, copyright © 1995-98, Magdalena Donea, unless otherwise noted.
All rights reserved worldwide. There is nothing left that you would want to take.
Make contact. Or start over.