All who dare to enter, I bid ye welcome and safe passage... or I would, if the this page had a medieval theme. :) Welcome to KitsuneCom, spawn of various sites that met their fates to progress. Hopefully, this is the final stop. Choose your path below, be you fan of Sonic or NiGHTS, and have fun. :)


My Sonic the Hedgehog site, with a new feel. Here you'll find content on the cartoons, comics, and games, plus fanfiction, fanart, etc.

Counter started July 4, 1998



The Dreamscapes

This is the place where dreams unfold. A site about NiGHTS Into Dreams, one of the infamous Sonic Team's greatest games, now finally separated from my Sonic content. Small, but growing. :)

Who is this "Jaye" person that runs this site?
Here's the RL me.

There's more out there than just Sonic and NiGHTS, you know...

Have something to say? Try emailing me.

: )