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What is UserLand?

UserLand is a technology and publishing company focused on the Web as a writing environment and a medium of high-integrity journalism.

Software products

Manila is an Internet server application that allows groups of writers, designers and graphics people to manage full-featured, high performance web sites through an easy-to-use browser interface. Manila is included with Frontier 6.1.

Frontier is a HTTP server, programming, database and XML environment used to build and publish big-content news-oriented sites that are easy to manage, for developers, writers and designers. Frontier runs on Windows and Mac, a Linux version is in development. Frontier is a commercial product, licensed on a subscription basis for US$899 per year.

Pike brings the simplicity of Edit This Page to a full-featured desktop writing application, for Windows and Mac, with features the browser doesn't have that every writer expects, such as Undo and Find/Replace.

About Manila
Dr Matt
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Scripting News
Free site hosting

EditThisPage.Com is our free hosting service for Manila sites. There are over 3000 sites, all created in the last three months. Book authors, journalists, professors, technologists, humorists, designers, smart leading-edge type people. You are invited to create your own site to organize your projects, or just to learn or have fun. It's the web as groupware, and it works!

In March 2000, we added free hosting to Weblogs.Com, our hub for the growing world of weblogs.

SOAP 1.1, released 4/26/00

SOAP 1.1 Specification. Authored by DevelopMentor, IBM, Lotus, Microsoft and UserLand.

We've started a SOAP weblog, a place where developers help each other getting SOAP deployed on as many platforms and in as many environments as possible.

Companies supporting SOAP 1.1 include ActiveState Tool Corp, Ariba Inc, BORN, Information Services Inc, Commerce One Inc, Compaq Computer Corp, DevelopMentor Inc, Extensibility Inc, IBM, IONA Technologies PLC, Intel Corp, Lotus Development Corp, ObjectSpace Inc, Rogue Wave Software Inc, Scriptics Corp, Secret Labs AB, UserLand Software and Zveno Pty. Ltd.

Watching the sites

Here's a list of the top 100 EditThisPage.Com sites, based on page reads. And a list of the 20 most recently updated sites.

Weblogs.Com watches over 600 registered weblog sites, making it easy to track favorite sites, and share favorites with other users. This site is a popular hub in the weblog world, and is the kind of service any organization with lots of diverse websites needs to keep track of changes in their organization.

Our aggregation engine, My.UserLand.Com reads a thousand RSS files every hour and pulls out the new stories through its user interface.

News from UserLand

UserLand operates many of its own weblog sites, the hub is Scripting News, one of the earliest such sites, started by Dave Winer in 1997. From this site Dave covers web technology, business issues, and lots of weblogs.

Partner publications

UserLand's content management software plays a key role in operating partner publications such as Dan Gillmor's eJournal, WorldLink Magazine, and several weblog sites at O'Reilly Associates.

We operate these servers as a proving ground for new technology and a demonstration of the capabilities of UserLand's content management software used in a professional journalism setting.

Standards work

UserLand is active in the Web standards world.

XML-RPC was co-developed by UserLand, Microsoft and Developmentor.

SOAP, a continuation of the XML-RPC process, was co-developed by the same three companies and is in the process of being submitted to standards bodies.

RSS is an XML syndication format that was co-developed by UserLand and Netscape.

UserLand is a member of the Worldwide Web Consortium.

Many Manila sites are weblogs. However, we're not the only developer who creates tools for weblogs. We'd like to seem them all support XML-RPC interfaces so desktop editing tools can connect to them and so that information can be exchanged between servers.

Every Manila site supports XML-RPC, each site is fully scriptable. Here's the interface.

Weblogs.Com has an XML back-end. Much of the content on UserLand.Com is available in XML. The backend site points to many but not all of our XML-based resources.

Privately held

UserLand Software, Inc. is a privately held California corporation.


© Copyright 1999 UserLand Software, Inc.
Last update: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 3:33 PM Pacific.
Email: webmaster@userland.com