"In a major brief filed in 1991, the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People explained....that certain conditions must be met in order for school integration to produce harmony and achievement. Instruction must be co-operative rather than competitive. Parents must become involved in planning and monitoring desegregation. Grouping by ability must stop. There must be "substantial" numbers of nonwhite teachers and staff, and all must enthusiastically support integration. Multi-ethnic textbooks must be used. ....One [judge] decided in 1993 to keep the Yonkers, New York, school district under court order until blacks and white get essentially the same test scores...." Thomas JACKSON, 1995, American Renaissance, xii. (Reviewing D.Armor, Forced Justice: School Desegregation and the Law, Oxford University Press.)

"Of all vulgar modes of escaping from the consideration of social and moral influences in the human mind, the most vulgar is that of attributing the diversities of human conduct and character to inherent original natural differences." J.S.MILL, 1848, Principles of Political Economy.

"In his 1964 paper "On the non-existence of human races", Frank B. Livingstone promulgated the new truth that "there are no races, there are only clines"..... There are limits to the power of inverted commas, however. "Races" may only exist as social constructs, but that still doesn't mean "white" men can jump." Marek KOHN, 1994, 'Racing uncertainties: Is there a biological basis to race?" New Statesman & Society, 16 ix.
Upstream: the Heterodox Online
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NECTAR, n. A drink served at banquets of the Olympian deities. The secret of its preparation is lost, but the modern Kentuckians believe that they come pretty near to a knowledge of its chief ingredient. Juno drank a cup of nectar, But the draught did not affect her. Juno drank a cup of rye -- Then she bad herself good-bye. J.G. [The Devil's Dictionary A.B.]

The History and Geography of Human Genes.

Review by Peter Brimelow of The History and Geography of Human Genes

National Review, Sept 25, 1995 v47 n18 p98(1)

JUST as a hundred years ago the Victorians worried about reconciling Darwin with God, today every honest mind must be perturbed by what appears to be the mounting scientific evidence of racial differences. This perturbation is all the greater because of the dishonesty and personal viciousness that characterized much of the reaction to The Bell Curve when it broke the taboo on public discussion of the issue last year. Since much of the evidence was already well known to scholars, the question now must be whether science will inform politics or politics chill science. This book, although by respected scholars, appears to be evidence that politics is winning. It has been advertised as an antidote to The Bell Curve because of a passage proclaiming the 'scientific failure of the concept of human races' due to the problem of overlap and gradation between groups. Of course overlaps and gradations exist in all systems of classification, but taxonomy remains fundamental to science. And the genetic evidence in the balance of the book makes clear that human beings can indeed be grouped roughly in accordance with traditional racial divisions.

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