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Service Pack 5 for Terminal Server Market Bulletin

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Released November 19, 1999, Service Pack 5 for Windows NT® Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition (Terminal Server) is ready for downloading. Based on SP5 for Windows NT 4.0, this Service Pack contains additional fixes for Terminal Server.

Customers have asked Microsoft to provide Service Packs more regularly and to include specific, detailed documentation about their contents. SP5 addresses these needs with the latest updates for Terminal Server. For year 2000 compliance purposes, Microsoft does not require users to migrate to SP5. Microsoft will maintain Service Pack 4 (SP4) for Terminal Server at the "compliant" rating and Service Pack 3 (included in the base Terminal Server product) at the "compliant with minor issues" rating. For the latest information on year 2000 issues see the Microsoft Year 2000 Resource Center.Offsite link

The Latest Source for Terminal Server Updates
SP5 contains the latest updates to Terminal Server since SP4, which was released in April 1999. SP5 is a cumulative collection of all previous service pack updates and contains no new features other than those that were introduced in SP4.

It does not require any previous Service Pack to execute its self-contained installation. SP5 is not a required upgrade; Microsoft recommends that each customer investigate the SP5 documentation and then determine whether to deploy SP5.

Some commonly requested Terminal Server updates included in SP5 address the following issues:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 2 is also included on the SP5 CD in a separate directory.

Customer-Focused Support for Terminal Server
With SP5, Microsoft continues to provide dedicated support for Terminal Server. SP5 further increases the reliability of Terminal Server, containing the latest regression-tested quality updates. Assessing whether to deploy SP5 is made easier with detailed documentation of SP5 updates.

Year 2000 and Terminal Server Service Packs
SP5 contains the latest year 2000 updates for Terminal Server, including post-SP4 year 2000 updates. These year 2000 updates are also available via a Web download that customers may apply to a Service Pack 4 system. For the latest year 2000 information, see the Microsoft Year 2000 Product Guide document at the Microsoft Year 2000 Resource Center.Offsite link

Customers who have locked down their systems at a specific Service Pack level for year 2000 compliance may not need to move from their current Service Pack. Microsoft recommends that customers examine the specific updates that are included in this and subsequent Service Packs to determine whether a move is warranted.

The release of SP5 does not change Microsoft's commitment to keeping Service Pack 4 year 2000 "compliant" and Service Pack 3 "compliant with minor issues" through January 1, 2001. Microsoft intends to maintain future Service Packs at the "compliant" rating through January 1, 2001. Microsoft will maintain these compliancy ratings if further year 2000 issues are discovered--posting updates and documentation at the Year 2000 Product Guide at the Microsoft Year 2000 Resource Center.Offsite link

Obtaining Service Pack 5
Customers may obtain SP5 for Terminal Server by downloading it. The CD will soon be available to order.

For More Information

 Last Updated: Monday, December 06, 1999
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