DATMAN Download Central
DATMAN Download Central

NEWS [ Y 2 K - A L E R T ] NEWS

Get Y2K-ready with the latest DATMAN update! 

The latest releases (this page revised on 2000-03-12) DATMAN-99 Version 2.24.2 2000-03-12 DATMAN-98 Version 2.07.1 2000-01-15 (bug fix update) DATMAN-DOS Version 1.22.2 1999-11-30
We named the latest version of DATMAN software (Version 2.20 or higher) DATMAN-99.
It features enhanced file I/O capabilities with greater speed and reliability, as well as improved data access for real-time applications (e.g., MP3 playback).

If you acquired your DATMAN license in June 1999 or later, you qualify for a free update of DATMAN-99. If your DATMAN aquisition was in May 1999 or earlier, you can order an update or upgrade of the new DATMAN-99 package at a discounted price (you will receive a partial credit for your current copy of DATMAN-DOS or DATMAN-98, depending on the purchase date). Click here for Details about the DATMAN-99 Update/Upgrade.

Or, you may proceed for a free download of the most recent bug-fix release (DATMAN-98 Version Version 2.07.1).

  1. I don't have a DATMAN Serial Number (I'm new here),
    AND, I am interested in ...
    1.1 downloading a copy of DATMAN-99 Freeware.
    1.2 downloading a copy of DATMAN-DOS Freeware.

  2. I am a Freeware user with a DATMAN Serial Number
    AND, I am interested in ...
    2.1 updating my DATMAN-98/99 with the latest version.
    2.2 obtaining a new INSTALL KEY since my old one expired.
    2.3 installing DATMAN-98/99 on another computer.

  3. I am a paid customer with a Licensed copy of DATMAN
    AND, I am interested in ...
    3.1 downloading the latest DATMAN-98/99 for free update.
    3.2 obtaining a new INSTALL KEY since my old one expired.
    3.3 installing DATMAN-98/99 on another computer.
    3.4 downloading the latest DATMAN-DOS for free update.

  4. I am ready to order the DATMAN software using a credit card.
    I am interested in ordering...
    4.1 CreditCard a copy of DATMAN-99 as a new customer.
    4.2 CreditCard a copy of DATMAN-DOS as a new customer.
    4.3 CreditCard a copy of DATMAN-99 as a product update/upgrade.

  5. I have received a special Download Code via E-Mail
    AND, I am ...
    5.1 ready to download the file.

  6. I own a licensed copy of DATMAN-DOS Professional Edition,
    6.1 I have a DATMAN Diskette with a Serial Number.
    6.2 I purchased it before January 1998.

  7. My case does not fit to any of the above.
    7.1 Send E-Mail to sales@datman.com.

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Updated 2000-03-12