
The UB faculty includes a number of distinguished scholars. Richard S. Allen, Charles A. Dana Professor of English and a prolific poet, has been regularly featured in the Yale Review, The Kenyon Review, and New Yorker Magazine. Justus M. van der Kroef, Dana Professor Emeritus of Political Science and respected author, continues to teach courses in political science, history, and philosophy, while also serving as Managing Editor of Asian Thought and Society. Tarek Sobh, Associate Professor and Interim Chairman of Computer Science and Engineering, is a world recognized researcher in robotics and automation. He is the chair of the discrete event dynamics systems technical committee of the IEEE robotics and automation society and has published over 80 refereed journal and conference papers and book chapters. He has chaired and organized several international meeting, workshops, panels and sessions in the areas of robotics, automation, sensing and manufacturing, and edited several issues of international robotics journals. He is the recipient of the bi-annual World Automation Congress (WAC) Best Paper Award in 1998. Milt Greenhalgh, a UB alumnus and Chemistry lecturer, is recognized for his more than 20 patented inventions as well as for his major contributions to the field of polymer chemistry for which he was awarded General Electric's coveted Coffin Award. Stoyan Ganev, currently a Visiting Professor at the University, formerly served as Foreign Minister of Bulgaria and as President of the General Assembly of the United Nations from 1992 to 1993.

There are 200 full and part-time faculty members. Nearly all permanent faculty hold doctoral or terminal degrees in their fields. Faculty honors include Fulbright Scholars, National Science Foundation Fellows, Ford Fellows, National Endowment for the Humanities Fellows, American Council for Learned Societies Scholars, Phi Beta Kappa Scholars, Phi Kappa Phi Scholars and Sigma Xi Scholars.

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