Cool Quotes Collection
High quality, low humor



Black Humor
Human Laws
Last Words

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Welcome to the Cool Quotes Collection! Here I present some of the coolest, stupidest and most thoughtful quotes ever being conceived. From Voltaire to restroom-graffiti.


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28 July 2000
The perfect CQC editor has been found! He calls himself BiGBEN and will be the one responsible for reading through submitted quotes and keeping the site updated. A warm welcome to you mate!!

Cool Quote
of the Week

We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.
Robert Wilensky, University of California

Newest Quotes

At least egotistical people don't talk about others.

Mike De La Vina

The best thing about humanity is humans. The worst thing about humanity is humans. Humanity is a paradox of contradictions.

I'm not schizophrenic, at least that is what the voices tell me.

Wits, puns and general silliness.
Advice, truths and memorable quotes from the wise men and women of history.
Some of these require some computer knowledge to be understood.
Black Humor
Cynical, pessimistic, obscene or just sick. Most of them are also damn fun!
Human Laws
Those undocumented nature laws existing just to ruin your day. Murphy's laws and the likes.
Last Words
People say a lot of fun things just before they croak.
I strongly advise religious fanatics to skip over this section.
Cool one-liners and unforgettable scenes.
Excerpts from great poems or prose. Music lyrics.
For roleplayers, fantasy- and sci-fi readers.
(SWEDISH) Citat av svenskar, alla kategorier slängda i en.

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1. The views, opinions or thoughts expressed in this collection are NOT necessarily mine. Sometimes I include a quote just to ridicule the source or to show how sick some people really are.

2. This collection contains offensive opinions, rude language, bad grammar and excessive amounts of alcohol. If you have a problem with this, please GO AWAY.

3. What you do with this stuff is your choice, just remember to include the individual sources of the quotes if you use them. Give me credit if you think I deserve it. If you are going to publish more than a few quotes from this collection, contact me first.

Consider yourself disclaimed.

Collected from

These quotes has been collected from a wide range of sources since around 1990, mainly various books, textfiles, and a few mailinglists.

Send me quotes

If you think I've missed a particularly good quote, don't hesitate to send it to me. Also if you detect a familiar quote without, or with wrong source, help me out!

Tools I use

PHP - Excellent web-programming language
MySQL - Extremely fast, reliable and free SQL database server
UltraEdit - Probably the best text editor for Windows

573417 visitors has been here since the opening in September 1997.

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CQC 1997-2000