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RE: Face down, nine-edge first

> From: JArchibald@aol.com [mailto:JArchibald@aol.com]
> The upper left hand corner was cut off at an angle.
> Lord! We used to compose programs sitting at 
> the keypunch, instead of a terminal.

Yeah.  And when you dropped a stack of cards, and they went all over those
shiny false-flooring tiles and slipped under the disk packs, the upper-left
corner orientation was absolutely no use.  We had a big black felt-tip pen
on a string next to the punch, so that you could put a diagonal stripe down
a sack of cards and get them back into order more easily.  Oh yes, and the
rubber-band tray!

A stack of half-punched cards used to make great notepads.

		- Peter, *completely* off-topic for this list - sorry