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Re: Updates for 2.9alpha

has these updates.



"Ted K." <Ted.Kaehler@disney.com> wrote:
> Seven new updates for 2.9alpha.
> 2441XCallFix-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 28 June 2000
> #externalCallFailed belongs into Object not ExternalObject (where it was
> moved with update 2413) - just check it's senders.
> 2442B3DPrimBounds-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 29 June 2000
> Support for 2D bounding boxes in the 3D accelerated version."
> 2443natLang-tk -- Ted Kaehler -- 30 June 2000
> Adds menu items on all ParagraphEditor shift menus:
> 'definition of word'	  Lookup the definition of a word from an internet
> dictionary.
> 'verify spelling of word'  From an internet dictionary.  Answers yes or no.
> 'choose language'     Pick a primary language.   English uses the WordNet
> dictionary.  I have coded one alternative, Portuguese.  I invite you to add
> new subclasses of class WordNet to interface with dictionaries of other
> languages.
> Adds two new Preferences, #naturalLanguage and #languageTranslateFrom.
> Bug fix:  (<a Class> respondsTo: nil) was returning true.  Now it returns
> false.
> Preferences setPreference:toValue: now returns the new value.  New class
> comment in Preferences."
> 2444MthFinder-tk -- Ted Kaehler -- 2 July 2000
> Frank Winkler asked for a function that would split strings.  I was about
> to tell him to use the MethodFinder, but it does not work for this case!
> The natural example to give is:
>      'aa bb'. $ . #('aa' 'bb')
> But the Squeak method, #findTokens:, needs a string of delimiters, and the
> returned object is an OrderedCollection, not an Array.
> 	This update modifies the MethodFinder to try substitutions for the
> example "answer object":
> 	Array -> OrderedCollection.
> 	Character -> String
> 	Symbol or String of len 1 -> Character
> And for the "argument objects":
> 	Character -> String
> 	Symbol or String of len 1 -> Character
> Also added #asString to findTokens, so that a single char *can* be a
> delimiter."
> 2445mixedWith-tk -- Ted Kaehler -- 4 July 2000
> 	#alphaMixed:with: is what everyone should use for most
> applications.  Define it in Color, instead of TranslucentColor.  Change its
> comment to say that it is the preferred way of mixing colors.  It does mix
> the alphas too.
> 	#mixed:with: is only used for extracting the RGB from a color and
> mixing it with another color.  Define only in Color but inherited.  Does
> not mix alphas.  Change its comment to tell people to use #alphaMixed:with:.
> 	Looked at all senders of #mixed:with: and made them use
> #alphaMixed:with: when that was the right thing to do.  #lighter and
> #darker also changed to leave alpha unchanged.
> 2446fixBigFontCR-raa -- Bob Arning -- 6 July 2000
> When zero-width characters were replaced with something of substance, some
> fonts acquired a gray carriage return. This change set makes these white to
> avoid the ugly artifact at the end of a line"
> 2447multiProj5-6-raa -- Bob Arning -- 6 July 2000
> - adds GZipSurrogateStream which implements required parts of
> StandardFileStream protocol to enable Projects to be written directly as
> gzipped files without requiring intermediate write and read of normal file
> - standardizes category for Player subclasses as 'Morphic-UserObjects'
> - files out source for player methods which have been modified in a browser
> - insures ComplexProgressIndicator is fully on screen
> - implements FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelector as a morphic folder selector
> - cleans up ServerDirectory and ServerFile use of inst var <type> which
> could be nil under certain circumstances
> - modifies Project>>fromMyServerLoad: to use directory project came from if
> server not available
> - removes Fake37Xxxx classes from change set
> - projects are now stored (locally and on servers) in zipped format with
> version info in file name. Projects are stored locally in a directory
> 'Squeaklets'
> - ProjectNavigationMorph enhancements from Karl Ramberg
> - initial app/factory view options as well as quick world resizing
> - fixed several world menu glitches
> - removed class Bob
> - changes to BookMorphs and their sorters to support building new
> presentations:
> --- the sorter now has a button to toggle the parts bin-ishness of the
> playfield so you can drag pages out and drop them in another sorter without
> altering the original
> --- when a BookMorph receives a page from another book, it copies the page
> to preserve the original and clears the text search attributes since the
> new page(s) will make it incorrect
> - Introducing the ThreadNavigationMorph to build sequences for projects.
> See the class comment for ideas.
> - adds 2 items to Morph control menu/debug submenu to allow
> --- the addition of a Smalltalk expression to be evaluated on mouseUp
> --- the removal of mouseUp actions
> - introduces a #morphicLayerNumber to aid in keeping navigation morphs from
> clashing with other front-of-the-world type morphs. Used in limited places
> now, it could be useful elsewhere
> - adds Project class>>enterIfThereOrFind: to make it easier to enter a
> project that exists or can be found, but do nothing otherwise
> - keep TranslucentProgressMorphs from going behind SystemWindows e.g.
> - made ProjectNavigationMorph more flap-like in its positioning
> - fixed HandMorph>>unlockContents (it was missing)
> - new project save folder locator from Alan's art
> - made creation of a new blank project when load failed optional
> - fixed problems with #tellAFriend and Celeste
> - fixed green halo duplicate/grab of morphs in scaled worlds
> - fixed decompile string of blocks with more than one arg
> - fixed rare problem when attempting to resize a SystemWindow resulted in
> resizing pane instead
> - added delayed popup to Publish button in ProjectNavigatorMorph
> - changed some unnecessary #currentWorld sends to #world
> - Ted's ArmsLengthCmd changes "
> Ted Kaehler,   Walt Disney Imagineering, R&D
> (home) 3415 Cork Oak Way, Palo Alto, CA  94303.  voice (650) 424-1070
> http://www.webPage.com/~kaehler2/
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