Weird Al Inside

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behind the scenes
"It's All About The Pentiums," the second video to be released from "Weird Al" Yankovic's latest album Running With Scissors, was shot on June 30 and July 2, 1999. The first day of shooting took place on a soundstage in North Hollywood, California, and the second day was shot inside an actual office building (the Department of Public Works in Alhambra).

Two of Al's long-time friends make cameo appearances in this video. Drew Carey shows up as Al's Mase-like counterpart, and Emo Philips is featured in several short vignettes as the clueless newbie.

The song is, of course, a parody of Puff Daddy's "It's All About The Benjamins." The video borrows elements from several Puff Daddy videos, and pokes fun at hip-hop video cliches in general.

Al naturally got Puff Daddy's permission and blessing to do the parody. Al spoke to Puffy personally over the phone, just to make sure that there wouldn't be any "miscommunication," as there had been with at least one other rapper in the past.

"It's All About The Pentiums" was directed by Al Yankovic.
Executive Producer: Beth LaMure
Producer: Craig Armstrong
Director of Photography: Clyde Smith

Other interesting factoids:

White pigeons were used instead of doves (this is common practice for music videos). There were people hidden under the car and in the floorboards waiting to release the birds. 50 "doves" were used so that production would have enough for all the takes. The last 10 were released as a sign of peace and good will on Earth. (Actually, everybody just wanted to throw birds in the air.)

Immediately after shooting his video for "The Saga Begins," Al began growing facial hair for "Pentiums" so that he could look more Puffy-esque. He also donned the traditional Puffy sunglasses - but decided against copying the hair. (Al opted to have his own hair pulled back into a ponytail rather than "confuse" fans with another short-haired wig.)

The Nash Metropolitan was courtesy of the president of the Metropolitan Club of Southern California.

80 kinoflow tubes were used to light the Drew Carey set, as well as the ring light.

The clock on the Emo set shows the time the scene was actually shot, about 3:30 in the morning.

The Bill Gates look-alike was flown in from Seattle.

Can you figure out which extra was featured in both the "Saga Begins" and "Pentiums" video?