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Black & White

Developer: Lionhead Studios
Publisher: Sierra Studios
Release Date: Late 1999-Early 2000


Black & White is a real-time strategy game packed with the sort of unique features that PC gamers have come to expect from a Peter Molyneux title. Games such as Populous, Magic Carpet, Powermonger, Syndicate, Theme Park, and Dungeon Keeper all had the dame concept: influence and dominate groups of people through indirect means. You have a wide range of magic spells at your disposal, but this time, there's something different. It's definitely not the same mix. It's better. The former Bullfrog co-founder is now at Lionhead Studios, and he hopes to continue his tradition of unique games. Black & White looks to be his most ingenius creation of his career, and he has me excited.

Black & White Screen Shot
The most striking thing about Lionhead Studios' upcoming Black and White is how completely different it is. Lionhead is crafting a strategy game that while is basically about good and evil, it promises to reflect each individual player's unique approach. It has been said to be like a personality test. The game can change drastically if your ego is altered. Remember your thoughts and actions influence your followers' trust and alligience.

Philosophically, I'm baffled by the utter complexity of the game. (I'm thinking Molyneux didn't go to a community college ;). Technologically, I'm baffled by its totally unique features. Black and White will also attempt to create an environment that represents your playing style. Treat your creature well, and it will be a proud, faithful beast. Treat it cruelly, and it will become a terrifying monster of destruction. The land itself will reflect your style as well. Beat your followers into submission, and the land will start to crack and the local foliage will wither and blacken. Gain their respect through magnanimous deeds, and the land will be green and thriving. Though Molyneux encourages you to try either route, I recommend you take the clearly marked route leading to happiness and'll probably leave you a lot better off than having to deal with a lot of dead people...and cows...and shit ;)

Molyneux is attempting to breed strategy with simulation and then throwing in one of the coolest storylines, all to make one hell of a game. This game is a genre within itself.

The World and Its Denizens

Black and White takes place in Eden, a magic land with lush countrysides, exotic features, and inhabitants that are happy and self-reliant. As in Populous and its successors, the residents initially go about their business with little concern for the player. Molyneux's design plans call for behavioral patterns that will mimic a real society; the residents will forage food, play games, and even take up marriage with one another. You are thrown into this world believing you are alone.

At first, the sorcerers believed they were alone on Eden. They considered themselves masters of all they surveyed. The discovery that this was far from the truth came as something of a rude awakening.
Being a proud and arrogant elite, the resulting squabbles were inevitable and they soon escalated into horrible conflicts; the hapless villagers who had once lived perfect lives in peace and harmony soon found they had become pawns in the epic magical battles raging between sorcerers. Whenever trouble flared up, they were summoned by their overlords and required to perform their elaborate rituals of worship. These rituals provided the lifeforce needed to power the awesome spells which would boom and crackle across the dark skies of Eden.

Black & White Screen Shot
If the young sorcerers regarded the human population as our earth-child regarded a colony of ants, the Titans they created were the equivalent of our human child's faithful dog. Created originally from Edean animals, these awesome magical creatures towered over the landscape, instilling terror in the hearts of the mortal inhabitants. Under the influence of the sorcerer's magic, a cow, a sheep, a bird or even a tree would undergo awful changes as they transformed into grotesque beasts which could grow at an alarming rate. And they kept on growing. Until they were of a size which was truly gargantuan..

The sorcerers fed and trained their creatures with tender loving care and attention, teaching them how to behave according to their own inclinations. Some of these Titans would wreak almighty havoc as they stomped across the countryside, feasting on local populace as they went. Others would come to the aid of any Edeans loyal to their own masters, by helping with constructions, seeing off attacking creatures and generally guarding over them.

Inevitably these Titans were drawn into the struggle between sorcerers, as a loyal dog might protect its own master against an attacking enemy. When the Titans were first trained for battle a curious phenomena was noticed. These huge magical creatures did not rely on worship to provide lifeforce for their sorcery. The energy needed for spellcasting was produced internally.

The implications were at once realised by the sorcerers of Eden. These Titans would be the most powerful weapons they could muster in the personal conflicts. These creatures would hold the key to success.
All this was clear.
As clear as Black & White.

That is so cool! (Say it enthusiastically and it sounds lame!)

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