
The new Toronto Catholic District School Board web site was created by Christopher Loben of the Computer Services Department and Emmy Szekeres Milne, Supervisor of Communications.  The site is administered by the TCDSB Communications Department, with assistance from the Computer Services Department.

TCDSB would like to extend its sincere appreciation to Calvin Lo, a student, from Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School and his teacher Maurice di Giuseppe, for their involvement and input into the development of our new site during the 1997/98 school year.

Your comments and questions are welcome. Write to us!

A Site Map and Interactive Search are available to assist in your navigation of this site.

The following resources are available to answer your questions about the TCDSB Internet:

Glossary of Web Terms
Viewing the Web Sites
Creating a TCDSB-hosted Web Site
Internet User Statistics

Glossary of Web Terms

Internet - The vast collection of inter-connected networks that evolved from the ARPANET of the late 1960s.  The Internet connects thousands of independent networks into a vast global information system.

TCDSB Internet (a.k.a. Public Web) - One of the independent networks on the global internet.  From any internet-connected computer in the world, a user can access the TCDSB Internet and view its web pages.  Public information contained on TCDSB Internet web pages is regulated and maintained by the Communications Department in co-operation with the Computer Services Department. 

TCDSB Intranet (a.k.a. Administration Web) - Similar to the internet, except it is only accessible from a TCDSB-network computer, by staff members registered on Exchange Email.   Non-public, administrative information is presented on the intranet.  Each section is maintained by a specific TCDSB department.  More intranet information is available on the help section at http://intranet. (internal users only).

Web Page - A document containing text and graphics that is used to present information on the Internet/Intranet.  These documents contain Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).  For example, the first page that appears on the TCDSB Internet is called the Home Page and uses the file name default.htm.    Most web pages are use the .htm extension, however there are a small number of special web pages created by advanced programmers called Active Server Pages which use the .asp extension.

External Account - A directory on the TCDSB Internet server that contains web pages and other files for a particular department or school (i.e. Mathematics Department).  The entire world can view the contents of an external account, and someone with the correct password can make changes from anywhere in the world using a File Transfer Protocol Program (FTP).  The suggested FTP Program is WS FTP LE.  An external account given to a school is maintained by a staff member, who has the editing password.

HTML - (HyperText Markup Language) -- The coding language used to create web pages for use on the Internet/Intranet. HTML looks a lot like old-fashioned typesetting code, where one surrounds a block of text with codes that indicate how it should appear.  Additionally, you can specify that a block of text, or a word, is linked to another file on the Internet/Intranet.  This is called a Hyperlink.    When a web page is viewed, a user clicks on a hyperlink to be taken to another web page.   Web pages are meant to be viewed using a Web Browser Program, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape.

Web Page Editor - A program similar to Microsoft Word or WordPerfect that allows you to design web pages.  The standard web page editor at the TCDSB is Microsoft FrontPage 98.

Web Site Address - An address entered into a web browser that used to access an internet page.  To access the TCDSB Internet from anywhere in the world, one uses the address www.tcdsb.on.caThe address can also appear as  

TCDSB Webmaster - The person responsible for maintaining the TCDSB Internet Site, and checking email sent to    The Webmaster is Emmy Milne is the Communications Department. 

For more general web terms, please see the external site

Viewing the Web Sites

Loading Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01

The recommended browser for viewing TCDSB web sites is Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 (IE 4.01).  On most computers, IE 4.01 is pre-installed.  If IE 4.01 is installed, your desktop will have a blue 'e' icon with the words Internet Explorer under it.

Old versions of Internet Explorer have different icons.  If you have an old version of Internet Explorer, or do not have it at all, you can download it free from the Microsoft Web Site

Viewing Web Sites with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01

Activate IE 4.01 by double-left-clicking on the blue lowercase 'e' icon.

To view the TCDSB Internet (Public Web), type in the one-line text field to the right of "Address" near the top of the IE 4.01 window.

To view the TCDSB Intranet (Administration Web) type intranet (or in the one-line text field to the right of "Address" near the top of the IE 4.01 window.  The TCDSB Internet (Public Web) is accessible to the entire internet world.  The TCDSB Intranet (Administration Web) is only available on TCDSB networked computers to staff registered on Exchange Mail.

Creating a TCDSB-hosted Web Site

Staff members interested in creating a web site should read the Guide to Creating a TCDSB-hosted Web Site available on the TCDSB Intranet.  All TCDSB staff with an Exchange Email Account ( can access the intranet.  For those staff members without an account, intranet information can be obtained through a school secretary.

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