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 Polycount Now Features Heretic II Models!: 10/11, 11:44 am
 Iron Grin Bot Launcher: 10/7, 6:11 pm
 Grins And Giggles: 10/7, 12:41 am Awakens!: 9/29, 10:39 am
 MOTU Almost Complete: 9/28, 9:59 pm
 Bot Hurler Version 1.00: 9/26, 9:42 pm

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Heretic II News
 Polycount Now Features Heretic II Models!   by Demolisher [11:44 am PT - Oct. 11, 2000]
Zonk sends great news that Polycount, the premier site for Quake 2, Quake 3, Half-life, and Unreal Tournament plug in player models now features a section for Heretic II player models!

 Iron Grin Bot Launcher   by Demolisher [6:11 pm PT - Oct. 7, 2000]
]7[ Faethor has released a launcher for the GrinBots. It allows you to specify all configurable parameters about the bots and server from an easy to use Windows front-end. You can go for a quick-launch bot game, or configure a dedicated server. Also, it allows you design and save custom sets of bots which can be easily edited and tweaked.

 Grins And Giggles   by wmull [12:41 am PT - Oct. 7, 2000]
Our very own Grin has 'gone mainstream' and gotten cornered for an interview over at Bot Epidemic, discussing among other things, her Heretic II GrinBots. Here's a snip, but be sure you read up on all the rest of this great interview:
What do you think is in store for the future of bots/AI, are they getting bigger and better, or is the game industry drifting towards a multiplayer-only audience?

I think they are getting bigger and better. The game industry is drifting towards a multiplayer-only audience, but this is a good thing. It's the multiplayer aspect of a game that allows the development of gaming communities and keeps it alive. I've never completed the single player side of Quake, Quake2, Unreal or Heretic2, but love the multiplayer aspect. Where you have multiplayer, there will always be a need for bots. There are plenty of people like me who cannot get a good enough connection to play over the net, and so bots are essential. They also offer the opportunity to practice offline without other people seeing just how bad you are. What I am not sure about is whether the inclusion of bots with games such as UT and Q3 is a good thing. I know that it instantly allows the user to play multiplayer games off-line, but I think that it slows down bot-development in general. I don't think that there's been a single bot written for UT other than the ones shipped with the game, and that is a real shame. Awakens!   by Demolisher [10:39 am PT - Sep. 29, 2000]
The Mindless Games Network's newest high-quality network site, has awakened! Here you will find many resources related to Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption. You can discuss with fellow Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption players on the forums. Be sure to check out all the hosted sites, as well as our informative info pages! Also, we are looking for some Vampire the Masquerade players to be dedicated news updaters. So, if you have basic html skills and have a passion for posting VtM news as it happens, contact us! Hear ye, all vampires emerge from your coffins as creatures of the night, seeking victims for blood and making an essential visit!

 MOTU Almost Complete   by DraX [9:59 pm PT - Sep. 28, 2000]
A Landmark point has been reached in the development of Abode of Golgotha 2: Maw of the Umbra. New character skins have been completed, the maps are all done, and a beta test has been released (sorry, beta testing by invite only, and only under special circumstances). The only thing left is for the new sounds to be finished up and put into the scripts, as well as the incorporation of the skins into the game.
The current beta version looks incredible, and I must say that Sycada has done a fine job on this add-on, it's obvious that a lot of work has gone into it. It's going to take a lot of work to make your way through this one.
As a teaser, a multiplayer skin pack, featuring the skins used for Kiernan, Jaster, and Rikan, will be made available for download from the Abode of Golgotha site shortly.
Don't forget, the demo of Maw of the Umbra is still available, as is the original add-on Abode of Golgotha. Be sure to check them both out.

 Bot Hurler Version 1.00   by EvilGreg [9:42 pm PT - Sep. 26, 2000]
The Heretic II Bot Launcher has reached version 1.00. Features include:
-supports Grinbots DM, bladematch and botchallenge mode
-automatically and casually chooses a map among the installed ones
-automatically supports every .bsp map installed into base/maps
-automatically recognizes (and uses) every model installed into base/players
-cycle trough the models, so you'll see different ones every time, until you see them all (if you have enough of them)
-chooses for every bot, a casual model and skin
-if you own enough models, every bot will have a different one
-choses randomly a different name for every bot
-allows you to exclude every:
   map (so you can avoid the single player ones)
   model (i.e. to reserve some of them for the human players)
   skin (to protect your little brother's innocence...)
-updates the map list with a click
-allows the user to save and reuse specific configuration (and once for every supported bot...)
-allows (obviously!) the user to customize the deathmatch flag through
-config text files

 New Player Model   by Demolisher [5:08 pm PT - Sep. 21, 2000]
Zonk has created two new Heretic II player models, the The Warduck and the Bladeduck.

 Heretic II Video FAQ Returns As Well!!   by Demolisher [7:24 pm PT - Sep. 18, 2000]'s Video FAQ has returned! Be sure to check it out to answer all your video card questions for Heretic II and your source to set up your game for maximum video performance!

 Heretic II FAQ Returns!   by Demolisher [6:11 pm PT - Sep. 18, 2000]
The Official FAQ has returned to answer all of your Heretic II related questions! Be sure to check it out for all your answers to multiplayer, singleplayer, editing, and many miscellaneous Heretic II questions!

 Shrine of the Ovum, Gwynflex News   by DraX [4:57 pm PT - Sep. 17, 2000]
The Shrine of the Ovum, the Heretic II Community's ultimate resource for custom player models and more, has finally reopened it's doors. My deepest apologies for the current state of the site, as I still have it under re-construction, so at this time there is a possibility that not all of the links will be in working order. Please do not contact us about this, we are well aware of it and are working as fast as we can to bring this resource shrine back to you.
Gwynhala has also admited of a slew of new features he is working on for the latest build of Gwynflex, which should allow for far more complex player and monster models with totally arbitrary skeletons and meshnodes, customized heirarchies, parented figures, ASF import (Acclaim Skeleton Format), BVH motion capture import, and lots more.
For those of you out there to whom this sounds like Greek, this basically means that Gwynhala has taken one of the most complex character models in gaming history and gave it steroids.
The new possibilities presented by the features that he is currently once again locked in his dungeon programming will allow for more realism then currently exists in Heretic II. and you didn't think that was possible, did you?

 Grinbots v.9 Released!   by Demolisher [1:23 pm PT - Sep. 16, 2000]
Grin brings news of a new version of her grinbots. Here's are the new version features:
V0.9 finally sees them climbing ropes (not very well, but it's a start), better platform riding, slightly changed navigation and some enhancements to their blade skills.

Additionally, it includes 3 new routes - Karvok, Mosque and Skulls.

Also, I've incorporated the bots into the Skull-Hunters mod, so you can now play SH against the bots. This was really just a test to see how easily I could incorporate the bots into other mods. I've had so much fun playing it that I thought I would put it up for DL too.

To play SH with the bots, you will need V0.9 of the Grinbots, the Skull Hunters client files, and the Skull Hunters-GrinBots Edition server files.

More information and files can be found here

 New Server Side Mod   by Demolisher [1:50 pm PT - Sep. 15, 2000]
Jax of the Quest team and maker of 2 popular THF maps, has created a new server side mod for Heretic II servers to download. The mod is called Archer DM which is basically like the archer class from THF with unlimited ammo. Only servers need it and it should work with every map.

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