Nobody can judge me (nessuno mi puo' giudicare)
The official soundtrack of the World Pride

HI-Music and together with the homosexual cultural society
Mario Mieli carry out for the World Gay Pride 2000 a CD entitled
"nessuno mi puo' giudicare" (nobody can judge me), the official
soundtrack of the rally.
It is possibly an anthem of the World Gay Pride 2000. The song indeed
reflects the guidelines of the international gay community about the
social claim of sexual identity, integration; crossing the segregation,
to reach visibility and the statement of diversity not as a separating
factor but as a valuable asset for the whole society.
It is a song that reaches wide social environments, crossing
intergenerational, geographical and cultural gaps, preserving though a
non-deniable national identity.

The CD includes a revision of the well-known song by Caterina Caselli,
interpreted by some Italian and foreign artists.
Marco Messina and Meg of 99 Posse, Vladimir Luxuria, Luca Cucchetti &
Russell Russell, Luca Silenzi, Elvis Carpinelli, Ermanno Castriota and
the Reverse, all of them sing the great hit by Casco d'oro.
Somebody claims that these are just "stupid songs", may be they are, but
we believe, on the contrary, that music may play an important role. Very
important actually.
Nessuno mi puo' giudicare is the sound track of who doesn't want to be
closed into a ghetto, segregated or pulled.
Nessuno mi puo' giudicare is the CD of who seeks recognition, care,
respect. Across sexual, religious, political, ethnical, cultural

Nessuno mi puo' giudicare funds a charity project, by financing with
part of the gain scholarships in the field of study of HIV infection.
Nessuno mi puņ giudicare is here and we just have to sing it as loud as

Hi- Music is a just-born CD press company, confident and brave. Very
young professionals committed to music and cinema production already for
some years make up his team.
Nessuno mi puo' giudicare is the first of a long series of undertakings
that will be presented from September 2000 onwards.

The CD will be exclusively distributed in the World by CDFLASH.COM, the
most important Italian web site for musical e-commerce - from June the
23rd. price for the public 19.900 LIRE (10 EUR

The brand name World Gay Pride 2000 is exclusive of Cultural society
Mario Mieli, granted to Hi-Music for the CD Nessuno mi puo' giudicare.