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Tennis Warehouse

Welcome to the Tennis Warehouse player's message board. Below you'll find separate discussions on racquets, shoes, strings & stringing, pro players, tennis tips, travel and a classified ads sections where you can sell your old racquet, stringing machine, etc. Please note that messages will be archived after 14-21 days (except Classifieds) and any messages containing profanity or objectionable language will not be posted. We hope you'll enjoy exploring this section of our web site.
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 [F] Pro Player Talk (166 discussions)
 [F] Classifieds (2 folders, 1 discussion)
 [F] Shoes (28 discussions)
 [F] Strings & Stringing (1 folder, 81 discussions)
 [F] Racquets (238 discussions)
 [F] A Guided Tour of Tennis Warehouse Message Board (7 folders)

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