Located at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Catholic Handbook PURL: http://purl.oclc.org/NET/lgbh/ [A PURL is an OCLC maintained "Persistant URL" which will always point to the real location of a website] 3 May 1994 Free Catholic Mailing List Paul Halsall Was St. Paul Right to Attack Male Prostitutes? Someone on the Free Catholic Maillist, in which "clobber texts" are often used on gay people, was trying to defend the translation of certain Greek words as "homosexuals" in the Revised Standard Version, got me thinking by asking this question? "The word HOMOSEXUAL's only about a hundred years old so we wouldn't expect to find it in older bible translations from the Greek. The ARSENOKOITOI were quite literally "men who lie [sleep] with other men" kind of male prostitutes, I surmise). And those were the ones St. Paul said would never ever see the face of our glorious Redeemer. [And what else would you call them if not homosexuals? Be nice, now.] :" My question is "what do you think that old hooker-lover Jesus would have called them? One of the aspects of certain arguments by pro-gay people that I find most troubling, and it is never contradicted for the reason I am about to give by any straight person I have read, is that the people mentioned by St. Paul were "male prostitutes". But why shouldn't prostitutes not go to the kingdom of Heaven? Even boy hookers? Both now and in the past prostitution has hardly ever been a career of choice; in the past, and now in countries like Thailand prostitutes are typically slaves of some kind. Are these the people that Jesus rejected? I am prepared to accept that "arsenokoitai" [which if we are being "literal" means male-fuckers] were a group who perhaps *used* prostitutes, boys and perhaps women also. What I am not prepared to accept is any interpretation of St. Paul that contradicts John 3:16 ["God so loved the world he sent his only son to die for it"]. Both gays and straights should stop trying to get round Biblical problems by dumping the ordure on prostitutes. And if St. Paul did mean "male prostitutes", then I think we have to see that this is another of his areas of short-sightedness [along with slavery, the position of women and so forth.]