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The road you have taken wanders down a long twisted road. Very
quickly the path that had been lit with brilliant sunlight gets
obscured in darkness, and trees rise into the sky high over your
head. A shiver runs through the trees and through your own body
indeed as the strong winds that blow through this place catch at
your hair and clothing.

Unless of course, you're used to such things, and merely wish
that the weather and other surroundings would stop such
melodramatics and get straight to the point. Eventually, that
will occur, but first there is a short walk through the
melodramatics of a deranged mind.

Eventually, you get past that and a slight bit of light returns
to show you a woman standing in the middle of the path,
shoulder-length black hair blowing into her mouth as she pulls
her hands out of her jeans pockets and waves to you, beckoning
you closer. When you do, she informs you that she's Diana
Alexander and apologises for the tricks of the mind that she
played on you during your trip.

She then tells you that she writes quite a bit in this area of
fiction, and sometimes it can get rather dark, rather fast. With
a shrug, she waves that off, since it is as she says, the nature
of the show that she enjoys writing for. Then she launches into
how not everything is dark if you will just give it a chance.

When you agree, she leads you to a house and presses a key into
your palm, entrusting you with the stories inside. With that,
she runs back off to the road to guide yet another person who,
like yourself, might like to read to this place. With a shrug,
perhaps, you unlock the door and find a single room that is wall
to wall books. Closing the door behind you to keep out the cold,
you cross to one of the bookshelves, and choose one of the
volumes that's listed here. Only after that do you sit down and
prepare yourself for the read.

General Stories

Stories that take place after an episode

Stories not meant for children

Stories that are still in progress

Stories that are part of a series

Oh, and Diana asks only one thing of you. Please sign in on your
way out. It helps her keep track of the people who are actually
there reading her stuff. She laughs, waves, and sends her

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