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Australian International Justice Fund
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Then the USSR began secretly supplying arms to Hitler's war machine, financed by Wall Street, while the Illuminati agents in Britain were calling for appeasement "... to weaken the British war potential ..." ("Pawns In The Game", pp.153,154). Once the German forces had been built up enough, the same Illuminati agents called for an all out war. Hitler's finance from Wall Street came from the Rockefeller/Rothschild axis, through the Young Plan and the Dawes Plan loans of the 1920's. Companies involved included: Standard Oil-I.G. Farben (Exxon now), without which Germany's war effort was impossible; du Pont, for arms; General Motors; Ford Motor Company; General Electric; I.T.T.; and the Union Banking Corp., with George Bush's father, Prescott, a director.

Originally, Winston Churchill was pro-Zionist, but anti-Bolshevist, however he went on to accumulate massive debts via his extravagant lifestyle. With bankruptcy looming in 1938, Churchill (then a member of UK parliament) knew he would be forced to vacate his seat there and he would also lose his beloved home, "Chartwell". Fortunately for him, Jewish millionaire Helry Strakosch advanced the aging politician a 150,000 pound loan and became his "advisor", reviving his political career. ("For Those Who Cannot Speak", by Michael McLaughlin, 1979). Despite Churchill's numerous political failures "... his friends, 'the international Money Barons' used their controlled press ... forced Chamberlain to resign ..." ("Pawns In The Game", page 167).

Through a series of false reports the Illuminati agents had manoeuvred Germany and Poland to the verge of conflict. Germany sent Poland a note outlining a peaceful solution, but due to Illuminati influence in the Polish government the note was ignored. "When Hitler tired of waiting for Poland's reply, and of being insulted by the Allied Press, he moved his armies into Poland." ("Pawns In The Game", page 165). But Britain had guaranteed Poland protection from a German attack.

Mr. J.M. Spaight, a secretary to the British Air Ministry, reveals in his book - "Bombing Vindicated" (1944) - that the "...ruthless bombing of German cities started on May 11th, 1940, "... the day Winston Churchill became Prime Minister ...". (page 167) The most prominent of the bombings was that of Dresden, a completely civilian target, which became Winston Churchill's spectacular parting shot, on the day he departed from Yalta (14 February 1945) - a REAL HOLOCAUST '

The second "Great War" went from 1939 and lasted about six long years. As Jim Keith, in his book "Casebook on Alternative 3", summarises it:

"World War II is the story of the death of thirty-five million patriotic, slogan-shouting serfs, while billions of dollars lined the pockets of the international bankers and their cohorts, the politicians and the weapons manufacturers." (page 27).

But that was nothing compared to the unimaginable wealth that was made on the reconstruction loans doled out to the war-ravaged countries.

With the defeat of Germany came more negotiations at Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam, between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin; they carved up Europe (giving Stalin half of it, with half of Asia) and Roosevelt had reportedly "... advocated shooting 50,000 German officers without trial." Stalin began to make wild demands and so "... atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ..." to put him back in line with the agenda. ("Pawns In The Game", page 173-4). Japan was on the verge of surrender anyway, but the secret weapons were unleashed to set the stage for the Cold War: a public fear-instilling exercise. And so was born the United Nations - in blood - on June 26 1945, soon followed by Israel in May 1948 (some call it Roth-rael), which brought the Illuminati just one step away from their ultimate goal ....

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Alexander C. McClelland, Secretary
PO Box 887 Toronto NSW Australia 2283

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