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Activision Gets Stuart Little 4/11/01 14:27
At this point, any news on Gamecube games is good news, and right now it's Stuart Little. Activision just announced that it has signed an exclusive agreement with Sony Pictures Consumer Products, which will give Activision the right to develop games based on the Stuart Little franchise for the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance and Gamecube. The company also obtained rights to do the same for Stuart Little 2, coming in 2002.

The senior vice president of marketing and client relations at Sony Pictures Consumer Products, Michael Piekoff, said, "Stuart Little is considered an evergreen franchise for Sony Pictures Consumer Products, and Activision's vibrant interactive games will delight and enchant children as well as their families around the world." It sounds to us like Activision has fallen to the general view that Nintendo products are mostly played by children, which is why it bought the Nintendo rights. Whether this image will be dispelled by Nintendo's first round of games for the new system remains to be seen.

As for Gamecube development, Activision hasn't confirmed definite development, but it maintains the option for the Gamecube version. Currently, it's just concentrating on the Game Boy Color game, which should come out this summer, and the Game Boy Advance version, which will likely ship sometime next year.

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