Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Stories
Disclaimer: The characters portrayed here belong to George Lucas.  I'm just playing with them and I promise to put them back in the box in (nearly) mint condition.  I am making no money from this, honest, and its really not worth suing me.  I have nothing but my warped imagination :)
   Age Shall Not Wither by Alyse
NC17, m/m, OW/QG

Set during TPM.  Angst, POV, romance, first time.

Qui-Gon reflects on the effect his decision to train Anakin might affect his current Padawan.  Told in the first person.

   What To Do When Your Padawan Tells You He Loves You
by Alyse

PG, m/m, OW/QG

Set after TPM.  Angst, POV, romance, first time

Qui-Gon reflects on past events and hopes for the future.  Told in the first person.

   You say 'I love you' like that's a bad thing
by Alyse and Teri

NC17, OW/f

Coming soon (hopefully)

My Plot Bunnies | Adopt a Plot Bunny  | Other People's Plot Bunnies

ForceBoyz - Star Wars Slash
NetRing by RingSurf

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