Digital Midnight BlackRose Muse Garden Gallery Addictions Journal Bishonen Cliques
Welcome to the Muse Garden, the writing room of Black Rose. Here you will find various works of fan and original fiction - mostly slash (m/m relationships, also known as yaoi or shounen-ai), so consider yourself warned. Rose and her crazed muses accept no liability for mental damage.

Please note: All fics are followed by a 'spoiler/warning' line, which is written like this:

fandom* | Main characters and pairings** | canon spoilers | rating (gen or slash) | categories

* If needed (ie, for crossovers)
** In romantic pairings you will see them listed as name x name (ie, Kirk x Spock). The first name is the more aggressive of the pair in that fic.

Updated 3.16.01

  • Vampires
  • Lestat x Louis,  Marius x Armand17
  • Star Wars
  • Qui-Gon x Obi-Wan,  Obi-Wan x Xanatos 8 (38)
  • Gundam Wing
  • 1x2,  3x4,  5x134
    Harry PotterDraco x Harry,  Draco x Ron,  Snape x Draco5
    Final Fantasy VIII Seifer x Squall,  Zell x Squall,  Laguna x Squall9
  • Crossovers and Misc.
  • Blakes 7,  Pern,  Highlander,  Sentinel9
    OriginalOriginal short stories and snips3

    Legaleese small print: All fan-fiction on these pages are works of amateur non-profit. No infringement on any of the copyright holders, including Random House, Knopf, Anne Rice, George Lucas, LucasFilms, Terry Nation, the BBC, Mamoru Nagano, Toy Press, Sunrise, Bandai, Setsu Agency, J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Press, Sega or Squaresoft is intended. These stories are for personal enjoyment only and should be reproduced, electronically or otherwise, only for this purpose.

    All stories and original artwork are © Black Rose, 1995-2001.
