Mist & Moonlight
Welcome to KarmaStorm! My name is Steve Bennett,  Proprietor and artist-in-residence. The focus here is on animation as art -  images that use motion to convey artistic expression.  I am presenting this art in the form of .gif animation, and as long as most people access the web with slow dial-up connections, these images must remain fairly small. Some might take quite a while to download anyway. I am sorry, but you are going to have to employ a 'plug-in' to see them correctly - but you won't have to download it. It's called your imagination, and I hope it will allow you to see this art as I do .....large, as large as your minds-eye can make it.

You can find higher quality animations, certainly, watching a cereal commercial. And I suppose I could have made a great deal more money animating them. Then why don't I? That and the answers to many similar questions are explored and defined, albeit fuzzily, within.

Welcome to KarmaStorm.

All content ©2001 Steve Bennett for KarmaStorm