last update 21/04/99


topics: permanent magnet motor (pm^2)
project facts and results:

10 / 1999
04 / 2000
as i saw stefan hartmann's pm^2 picture (see below) on his webpage, i was fascinated and wanted to test his theory. i thought for about 6 months and made some simple tests.  yesterday (20.04.2000) i built the final device. instead of the big upper and lower ring magnets i used a really big coil with about 100mm inner dia. the coil was driven by rectified AC. the rotating magnets are very strong neodym magnets.
results: i inserted the rotor into the coil and applied 12V, 2A to the coil. there was absolutely no rotation recogniseable. the second try was a arrangement with a 1.5 KW 220 V transformer. this enormous power was applied to the coil which heated up very quickly. the 10A fuse was killed after 2 minutes (power seems more than 1.5KW). the rotor was absolutely still. under full load i was able to rotate the rotor with my little finger easily. once in rotation the rotor made up to 10 revolutions until the bearing losses stopped the rotor.
pictures: pm^2 device
picture 1 - overview of my device
click image for 500x400, 40kb

shlinmot_150.gif (1899 Byte)
picture 2 - shematic from stefan hartmann
click image for 640x480, 45kb

stefan hartman also played around with this device and recognised an effect with a new rotor design. today i built that rotor and tested it with my 1.5KW coil. please take alook at the image below
rotor2_150.jpg (4903 Byte)

picture 3 - new rotor design
click image for 640x480, 45kb

please take also a look at stefan hartmann's pm^2 folder at

if you have any suggestions, comments or enhancement ideas to this device, please mail to

ps: my english is not perfect and i may use some strange expressions, please correct me.

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