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February 9, 2001 Issue

VoiceXML: The New Standard in Web Telephony
Will computers recognize sarcasm any time soon? Maybe with a little time, and some VoiceXML. Lee Anne Phillips explains. Start Here.
HTML Designer: Authoring for Web and Wireless in the Palm of Your Hand
By Scott Nesbitt
If you've got a Psion and a Web or wireless site, you're in for some fun. Update from anywhere you like, using HTML, XML, and WML too.

JSP: Buffered Output and Session Management
By Duane K. Fields and Mark A. Kolb
If you can't maintain a state of bliss, at least aim for maintaining state. This week, dig deep into JSP's session management options.

A Pseudo Makeover
Sense of Style by Eric Meyer
Want a new look? Try a makeover with CSS2-level style.

Controlling Table Layout with CSS2
Tag of the Week by Chuck Musciano
Getting tables to shine is hard enough. CSS2 offers some table layout controls that will help you polish up your decor.

Information and Your Fingertips
Swaine's Frames by Michael Swaine
Hey, is that your finger in my eye?

Ned's Need for Speed
Offline by Paul Jon
For that technical difficulty we call life, here's "Offline." It's a comic about technology, the future, and everything in between.

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