Aurora Lights Circle
Book of Shadows

Feast of the Dead - A Samhain Ritual

Honoring the dead is a custom in all cultures. This time of year is an excellent time to remember loved ones and ancestors you never knew. If you have deceased family members or acquaintances with whom you did not get along, it is perfectly all right to ask that they NOT be allowed entrance to your house and ritual.

This ritual should be performed within a consecrated circle for your own protection. In addition to your ritual tools, you will need:

A cauldron (or metal bowl)
A black candle
A plate of bread
1 apple

Cast your circle as usual. With the wand in your power hand, tap the cauldron 5 times and say:

"Dark Goddess, Lord of Death, I ask your blessings.
Lift the Veil for me that I may greet my ancestors,
Friends and family who have gone ahead into your realms.
Let only those who wish me well enter within this circle."

Touch the plate of bread and salt with the wand and say:

"The feast is set. Welcome to all ancestors who wish me well.
The Veil is lifted this night that all may once more rejoice together in fellowship.
The bread of life, the salt of the Earth, are prepared as a banquet.
As we eat, may we remember the eternal presence of the Gods,
And may we also remember that what we call death is but a fleeting existence
in the cycle of birth and rebirth."

Take a piece of the bread, dip it into the salt, and eat. Anything left after the ritual must be placed outside or buried.

Light the black candle in the cauldron and say:

"This is a time of remembrance of all those gone into the realm of the Dark Mother."

Silently think of family, friends, and pets who have departed this Earth. Then say:

"The Thin Veil has been lifted.
My ancestors have come to the Feast of the Dead.
I thank them for their presences and words of comfort."

Take up the apple and say:

"Beautiful maiden, you are the dispenser of the seed of life,
Life that awaits, hidden in the sacred cauldron.
Fruitful Mother, your ripeness of power nurtures the seed
Bringing it into existence and helping it grow.
Dark Mother, your magick cauldron is the well of death and rebirth,
an experience each of us undergoes again and again.
Let there be no fear in me, for I know your gentleness.
Here is the secret symbol of life in death and death in life,
The hidden, mystical symbol of the Triple Goddess."

Cut the apple crosswise to reveal the hidden pentagram in the core. Incline your head toward the altar and say:

"My deepest thanks to the Triple Ladies.
May I always walk in peace beside you."

Eat part of the apple. Put the remainder outside as an offering to the birds and animals. Break the circle saying:

"This rite is ended, the circle cut.
The power goes out to manifest.
Yet though its light is gone to sight,
By lingering power I am blessed."

Aurora Lights Circle Book of Shadows