Register to become a publisher

Welcome to the Affiliate Program. You are joining the number one Domain Name Appraising Company in the industry!! We are offering an aggressive revenue share of 15% ($11.25) for each domain name appraisal that originates from your site.

We have teamed up with Commission Junction to provide our publishers with trusted third-party tracking, real-time reporting, and monthly commission checks. If you are already a Commission Junction Publisher, you can skip the form below and sign up for the Program directly through the Commission Junction Member's Area !

If you are not already a CJ publisher, please complete the short application form below to get started earning commissions today.
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As an online content or entertainment site, you have a unique opportunity to turn your traffic into profits. Within a few minutes, you can be placing individual products and links from hundreds of quality advertisers on your web sites and earning revenues from them. It's that simple.

Please complete the following 7 steps to register for your FREE membership with Commission Junction and take advantage of the world-class technology and services available through our web-based interface.

"*" denotes required fields.

For secure sign-up, please go to our secure sign-up page

Step 1: Site Information

* Web site or newsletter name
* Web site URL
(Not required for newsletters)
  Describe your site
* Category
What's the main topic of your site?

* Your Name
* Phone
* E-mail (used for login)
* Password (used for login, minimum of 6 characters)
* Retype password

Step 3: Company Information

* Organization name
Your name if none
* Street
Street 2
* City
* State
(Required for U.S. residents only)
* Zip code
(Required for U.S. residents only)
* Country
Organization phone
Organization fax

Step 4: Payment Information
You may choose to receive a check in the mail or direct deposit.
Click here for more information.

* Checks payable to
* Minimum check amount
You will be paid each month if your account balance exceeds this amount.