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   Planet Duke | Duke Nukem Forever | Frequently Asked Questions

PlanetDuke Duke Nukem Forever FAQ
Contact us: faq@planetduke.com


0.01 General Introduction
Welcome to the PlanetDuke Duke Nukem Forever FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). The purpose of this document is to tie together questions people commonly ask about Duke Nukem Forever in e-mails to us, in forums, in chat, etc. and bring the answers to those in one convenient place.

If you don't know much at all about Duke Nukem Forever, this is an excellent place to start. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about any section or topic that is or is not covered here, please send an e-mail to faq@planetduke.com or for section-specific queries, please consult the corresponding person listed on the credits page.

0.02 A few things to keep in mind while reading this document
Warning! Before you get started reading this FAQ you should realise that since 3D Realms decided not to release any information during Duke Nukem Forever's development, many of our sources may be inaccruate due to age or the lack of further information. Most of it is based on older interviews or forum posts. This and the fact that game developing is a dynamic process where the game changes constantly means that our information could be wrong or out-of-date in places. Whatever you read here, take it with a grain of salt. Just because one of the 3D Realms employees said the game will have a special feature in an interview doesn't mean it will be in the final game.

Here's a list of acronyms we will use in this FAQ:

DNF = Duke Nukem Forever, A.K.A Duke (Nukem) 4.
3DR = 3D Realms, the development team of Duke Nukem Forever.
UBB = The Ultimate Bulletin Board, a type of forum or public messageboard.
E3 '98 = E3 is a games industry trade show; at E3 in 1998, an early version of Duke Nukem Forever was shown using the Quake2 engine.
UT = Unreal Tournament is a game (find out more at PlanetUnreal); it is also the version of the Unreal engine used in Duke Nukem Forever.


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