Why SC is needed
Why SC is needed






The Institute's President, Jeff Gates, has been a specialist in "ownership engineering" since 1973, including serving as counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance (1980-87) where, working with Senator Russell Long, he crafted federal pension law and the legislation encouraging employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). He has since worked in more than 30 countries worldwide on various ownership engineering assignments (privatization, restructuring, corporatization, etc.). He is the author of Democracy at Risk: Rescuing Main Street from Wall Street — A Populist Vision for the 21st Century. His first book, The Ownership Solution (1998), was released to critical acclaim in the United States and the United Kingdom. (More information about these books is available on our book page.)

The Institute's Vice-President, Christopher Mackin, is a veteran business consultant and labor educator (Harvard Ed.D.) with a 20-year career spanning the field of employee ownership. As the founder of Ownership Associates, a consulting firm based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, he specializes in the development of high-performance organizational cultures at companies such as Polaroid, United Airlines and Advanced Technological Solutions (formerly IBM-Brooklyn). He organized the first "Shared Capitalism" conference (May 1998) in conjunction with Harvard Professor Richard Freeman and the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Jeffrey R. Gates, President
Shared Capitalism Institute/Laguna Beach
570 Cress
Laguna Beach CA 92651
Phone: 949-494-4437; 404-386-6643
Christopher Mackin, Vice President
Shared Capitalism Institute/Cambridge
6 University Road
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617/868-1070; fax: 617/868-7969
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