Painful Memories (part2)

By Mistress Belladonna~
Warnings: Yaoi, 1+2,2x1, 4x3, angst, AU?, language, OOC
Disclaimer: All rights and privileges of Gundam Wing are owned by Shin Kidounsenki Gundam Wing and are also trademarks and property of Sunrise, Stusu Agency and other associated parties. The character of these works are used WITHOUT permission for the purpose of entertainment only. This work of fiction is not meant for sale or profit.
Original portion of the fiction included here is considered to be the sole property and copyrighted to the author.
Please excuse grammar, spelling, punctuation etc etc etc…
Status: Incomplete Final Copy
Started on: Final copy started on January 18, 2001
Archive: Sure go ahead, just tell me what website it is, I want to see what other fanfics you got on it! ^_~

"…" Speech
<…> Thoughts

Part Two

Duo took a deep breath and tried to comprehend what the doctor just said. "Amnesia? Are you sure doctor?" Asked Quatre.

She nodded. "Yes. But it's very fortunate that he doesn't have TOTAL amnesia. He still knows how to talk and walk and can recognize objects…he just doesn't know his name or anything about himself." She stated.

"Could he recover completely?" Asked Duo, a lump forming in his throat.

She looked at him sorrowfully, "I don't know…"

"C-can I see him?" He asked.

"Yes. That I think will be best. If he is around people that know him it could trigger something in his brain and he could return to normal… does he have parents or a family? I can't find any records on him at all."

"He doesn't have anyone, just us." Said Duo without thinking.

She looked at him quizzically. " You mean he's an orphan? How old is he?"

"15." Duo realized that wasn't so smart to say. "But it's okay… Quatre's family, the Winners take care of him… right Quatre?" Duo glared at him.

"Yes that is correct." Said Quatre with a smile.

"Are you legal guardians?"

"Yes." Quatre lied.

"I'll have to look into that…" She mumbled as she scribbled something on her notepad.

<SHIT!> Duo swore to himself.

"Can I see him now?"

She nodded.


Heero opened his eyes and sat up as he heard the door open and shut.

<Probably those doctors again… wanna do those stupid tests…> But to his surprise, 4 young boys walked in. One was Chinese, one was blond, one had a long braid and for a moment Heero thought it was a girl, and the other had the weirdest hair he'd ever seen.

"Are you guys doctors?" He asked in a soft voice.

The one with the braid winced and looked at him funny. < What's his problem?>

"Do you know your name?" Asked the blond.

"Uhh…Heero? That's what you keep calling me…"

"Do you recognize any of us?" He asked again.

Heero quickly glimpsed at each of the boys, drawing a complete blank. He swallowed and shook his head. "No." He said bluntly as he leaned back onto the bed.

Duo swallowed and walked over to the hospital bed, sitting down on it. He looked at Heero intently and the Japanese boy just stared right back.

"Mr. Winner?" Barked a not so pleasant voice in the back of the room.

Duo and the other's jumped and spun around, to see the doctor from before, with a frown on her face. "Mr. Winner can I have a word with you?"

Quatre swallowed and nodded as he started to follow her, he caught a glimpse at the others, and gave them a worried look.

"Mr. Winner," she repeated. "I have checked your background and there is no reference to Heero Yuy in your, or your family's background."

Quatre took a long, deep breathe. "Yes I am aware of that." He stated.

She folded her long arms across her body and cocked her head at him. "So why did you lie?" She asked.

"Look Mrs…" Quatre stopped unsure.

" Doctor Walker." She snapped.

Quatre winced. "Yes…Dr.. Walker… Heero is fully capable of handling things himself. Trust me on this…"

"All I am aware of Mr. Winner… is that he's underage and that he's an orphan… In this kind of a situation I'd have to notify an orphanage… He'll be in our hospital custody from now on."

Quatre's mouth slightly drooped and clutched his pant leg tightly. "Look Dr. Walker, you don't understand…" He began to explain.

"Dr. Walker! You're need in the ER! Stat!" Yelled a young man with sleek black hair. The doctor jerked and turned to face the man. She nodded briskly and turned back to the Sandrock pilot.

"That will be all Mr. Winner. I'll have a nurse take care of him from now on." And with that, she ran down the hall, turning around a corner, leaving Quatre's field of vision.

As soon as Quatre left Duo turned back to the Wing pilot on the bed. "Do you remember anything? Anything at all?" He asked desperately.

Heero raised an eyebrow. "I've already told you. I've never seen you before in my life."

Duo's shoulders slumped and he quickly looked at the floor, not wanting to look at Heero's piercing blue gaze.

"I'm sure they've told you that you have amnesia… We're your friends… You have seen us before." Said Wufei.

"Well then I guess that means I don't remember you." The Japanese boy snapped.

Wufei blanched slightly at the deadly tone in Heero's voice.

"Listen to us, we're trying to help." Said Trowa, breaking the long period of uncomfortable silence.

"Help with what? Who the hell are you guys?"

The American pilot swiftly looked up, his were wet and he looked paler then usual. "I…" He stopped to clear his throat. "I'm Duo Maxwell. I'm your… <Lover. Boyfriend. Soul mate.> best friend."

That got a reaction out of Heero. His eyes quickly moved from Trowa's emerald eyes to Duo's, where he did a show down with the violet eyes.

"Is that so…" He said softly, his eyes slowly falling to the bed sheets.


Trowa glanced behind him where he saw his lover close the door and jog in, panting softly.

Trowa's forehead creased with a frown. "Quatre what's wrong?" He asked.

"They said…" Quatre stopped when you noticed Heero on the bed, a look of obvious confusion on his thin face. He quickly motioned to the others and they ran up to the blond.

After a few seconds Duo turned around to the boy on the bed.

"Get dressed Heero… we're going to take a ride…"

End Part Two
Yes yes yes… I know it's short and weird. I also know that Heero's acting like a real jerkoff but that's the whole point. Too many people say that if Heero had amnesia… he'd be happy and nice and sweet. But why can't he be mean and act like a 15 year old? Don't worry, I won't make him too mean, Trowa and Duo have a talk with him and… ACK! I can't give away part three! ^_~