Title: The Dark Kiss


By: Mistress Belladona


Warnings:AU, Yaoi, 1+2, 2x1, 1+4, dark, vampires, slight lime OOC, based on a book.


Author’s notes: Holy moly! It’s been F-O-R-E-V-E-R since I last updated! I’m SO sorry I’ve just been SO incredibly busy it’s unreal! ^_^;; I’ve decided not to promise anything… I felt so incredibly guilty when I saw all those promises I made like… 4 months ago… to have things completed and updated. Writer’s block is a bitch and my muses have all died… (and hopefully gone to hell… ^_^;; )

UNTITLED was finished… but after mentally going over it… I realized the ending wasn’t the way I wanted it… so I’ll do it over… and I have to retype the whole friggin’ thing because of that ‘incident’. *shudders at horrible memories*

STARING OVER the next chapter is almost complete… I swear it upon Heero’s grave… but I’m not making promises as to WHEN it’ll be up.

TRAITORS is comin’ along well… got a lot of ideas, thanks to some faithful e-mail buddies! ^_^


Status: Incomplete—Last updated: April 25th, 2001

New webpage: http://www.geocities.com/bella2x1/Bellafanfics.html ^_^;;


Heero cautiously opened the door, the hinges creaking slightly. Duo was tall and slim, and beneath his tight black jeans and leather jacket, Heero could sense lean, powerful muscles. His dark clothing emphasized the pallor of his finely sculptured face and the chestnut hair that swept of his back, and fluffed to an almost airy texture. He couldn’t tell if it was just the light, or if Duo had tears in his eyes… like he did. That’s when he noticed he was carrying something under his arm. It appeared to be a pictures.

Duo held out a slender hand to him, but made no move to enter. "You have to invite me in. I can’t coming unless you ask." He said softly.

<There’s probably a name of this type of behavior in psychology books…> Heero decided. "Come in Duo."

A beautiful smile broke out on Duo’s face, although he seemed to shy to look at Heero in the face.

<That face could break a heart…> It was suddenly very hard to picture Duo as a murderer.

"You can um… sit down if you want." Heero said, and wondered where to take him. He led him down the stairs to the den, and Duo gazed around as he followed.

"You’re house smells really good." Duo suddenly whispered.

Heero frowned slightly. "I … I suppose…" Heero stopped and turned around to Duo, who was still looking around.

"You… uh… want something to drink?… or something?" Heero asked unsure of his new role as host.

He glanced at him and shook his head. "No thank you."

Heero swallowed, still annoyed Duo still wouldn’t meet his eyes. Gesturing to the couch Heero asked, "Sit down?"

Duo nodded and sat, the picture he carried into the house he gingerly placed upside down on his left side. Heero shakily sat down across from him, only a few feet away.

Suddenly, Duo reached out as if to put an arm around his shoulders and Heero flinched away from his touch, eyes wide.

"No," he said, sounding anxious to reassure him. "I just want your necklace."

Heero frowned. "Necklace?" He asked, confused.

Glancing down at his chest Heero noticed the thin cross around his neck, hanging in front of shirt. Wondering why, Heero remained still as his fingers nimbly unhooked the clasp, and freed the crucifix around from his neck. Dangling it gently from his fingers, Duo hissed softly, as if it burned, and then directly looked Heero in the face, his lavender eyes boring into Heero’s intense cobalts.

His eyes never leaving Heero’s, Duo tossed the necklace with uncanny accuracy into the urn on the coffee table. "You’re beautiful. But that _thing_ doesn’t suit you."

Heero was slightly angry, but was scared to protest. <Let it lie…> He thought. <It’s not important enough to fight over.>

They were quiet, Duo mainly still looking around the house. He slowly relaxed like a cat at home into the couch, all nervousness gone now. He seemed especially interesting in the pictures on the walls. He rubbed his hands as if warming them by fire. "I have a picture too." He said unnecessarily. Duo turned to the picture by his side, picking it up slowly and setting it up on the couch. "I wanted you to see this."

Heero leaned forward for a better look, and he felt Duo’s gently grasp on his arm tug him. Curiousity luring him, Heero rose from the chair, and knelt down on the floor.

The frame was battered and chipped, and one corner was crushed. The picture within looked old. It was a large picture of 6 young boys, 5 young girls, 1 old man, 3 old nuns, and another older young boy, who smirked into the picture. The children looked at the camera, smiling politly. In the background, was an old church was displayed.

Heero looked up questioningly up at Duo.

"My church…" Duo motioned to the picture. "Those were my friends."

Heero swallowed. "You mean your ancestors friends?" He asked unsure.

Duo shook his head.

Frowning, Heero asked, "Like one of those fake old photos you can have taken?" He asked. "Dressed up like cowboys or something?"

Duo turned the picture around, showing Heero the back. There was faded brown writing on the back.

Maxwell Church, AC 81. Father Maxwell, Sister Helen ( unintelligible ) and Sister ( unintelligible again ).

"W-what?" Heero breathed, looking up at Duo confused.

Duo cleared his throat nervously. The Confederacy Adherence had taken L2 in AC 97, Rowley Dermail had taken over command of the Earth Sphere Alliance."[1]

Heero waved him quiet, impatiently. "What does that prove? People can fake that stuff."

Duo pointed to a boy in the back, thin chestnut bangs falling into his eyes.

"That’s me."

<Oh God> Heero thought.

"And that’s your killer." Duo said, pointing to the cocky, older boy next to the nuns. "My best friend Solo." [2]

"How can you expect me to believe that!?" Heero cried, starting to stand up. Duo grabbed his hand in an icy grip and held him there, while he awkwardly slid the picture between the end table and the couch.

<This was a mistake… this is a fucking stupid mistake!> Heero’s mind screamed.

"He waits by dark places." Duo continued.

<God please not you… please…> Heero begged silently.

"He goes up to people… all boys… and asks them for a cigarette, every time without fail. He beats them… and then he takes them…" Duo’s eyes burned, terrifying Heero. "He leads them into the dark and slaughter them… rapes them… cuts there throats." His grip tightened with the urgency of his words. "They think he’s only a kid… another punk… but he’s as old as sin Heero. He’s bloated with filth and corruption. They think he’s only a kid…"

Heero was growing colder and colder, as if the chill of Duo’s icy grip were seeping into him.

<He’s tricking me…> Heero’s mind thought suddenly.

"He killed my mother," Duo practically sobbed. "He killed her when I was little… because he wanted me… He took me that orphanage on L2, waited until I was old enough… until I was 18… and then he took me to." Duo inhaled a shaky breath. "He killed her in the filthiest way, I remember now… but my mind blocked the memories out. I have followed him for a long time, and now I have found him. But I’ve failed Heero… I’ve failed so many times. I tried to kill him… but I just can’t… What do I do now Heero?"

<Let me go!> Heero wanted to scream.

His grip softened. Duo hand moved up his arm. Heero tried to move back but found himself leaning forward instead. He saw the crackling of summer lightening in those violet eyes… the heat lightening he had felt the night he walked him home. Duo need him. After weeks of not feeling need by others, it seemed welcome. His lips touched Heero’s, cool, soft, almost chaste.

<I can’t believe I’m doing this…> Heero thought to himself. Duo moaned slightly, as if it were his first kiss… long denied, and Heero gently folded into him while he put his arms around him. Heero’s mouth parted, and Duo nibbled his lower lip.

Heero closed his eyes, opening his mouth slightly, and Duo’s spare tongue gently ghosted itself inside, gliding along his own tongue and the warm caverns within. Another moan from Duo, as the older boy began to delicately run his teeth over Heero’s lips… then neck… then chest…

Heero’s eyes snapped open as he felt Duo’s hands touch his stomach, the icy touch making him gasp.

<Oh God… what’re we… what’re we DOING!?> Heero thought hysterically in his mind, heart thumping in his chest.

A nibbling on his neck… and a sharp pierce jolted Heero out of his daze and he shoved Duo away. "Ow!" He cried, touching his neck.

Duo’s eyes were wide, dark, and compelling. He blinked, and suddenly Heero he was waking from a dream. Duo looked away, ashamed. "I… I’m so sorry… I made you kiss me… I wasn’t going to. I wanted you to come to me of your own free will. But the chance was slipping waway. I was afraid… afraid I was losing my chance with you."

"That’s insane." Heero said indigantly. "You didn’t make me kiss you." His heart beat fast, and his neck tingled where he had bitten him. "What makes you think you could do that?" Heero asked.

"I’m not like you…" Duo said softly. "I’m not human anymore… I think…"

Heero frowned. He didn’t want to be reminded of his strangeness; Heero wanted to be held, and forget it. He had never enjoyed a kiss like that before… not that he went around kissing other guys… but still.

Heero winced and touched his neck again, and was surprised to find two droplets of blood on his fingers. Duo reached out suddenly and gently grasped his hand, and licked the droplets off of them. Heero could have melted then, but he shivered and leaned into Duo.

Duo suddenly flung Heero’s hand away from him and stood up.

"I can’t see you anymore." He said quickly, and he ran up the stairs.

Heero jumped and was momentairly shocked. "Duo?" He asked, confused as he stood up and ran up after him.

"Duo? Duo what’s wrong?" He asked as he reached the top.

Heero shivered as he felt a cold sweep of air enter the house, and he ran to the wide open front door.

"Duo? Duo!? Duo where are you!?" Heero screamed out the door, panic striking into his heart.

But Duo was gone.


[1] I have NO idea the past of the Gundam Series… that was plain gibberish. Hopefully it sounds good. ^_^;;

[2] *whaps head* gee… I bet you didn’t see THAT one comin’. *snorts* Sorry it’s so obvious, at least to me it is… Let’s see YOU be more creative at midnight.

ja ne! Belladona