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september 16, 2001

this song has just kept coming up for me... In fact, it was Song of the Day on the 11th.


08:32 am .link .one comment.

september 15, 2001

On so many levels, there are simply no words for this week. Everyone's said that and everyone's stunned. Timmy's birthday was Tuesday. That made the whole situation even more uncomfortable and horrible. It hit close to home for him; So many of the people on those flights out of Boston Logan were from towns nearby, places he knows. It was, more than I can express, one of the most difficult days.

There's been so much tragedy; I'm thinking of everyone out there. All those people I love, all of you, so far away. Everyone who's been touched by this. My heart is with everyone. I send everyone warm-fuzzies.

On a good Timmy's birthday note, here is a little peek at what we pulled together for him for his birthday; not here yet, due to all the planes being grounded (Argh!) but, here in soul. We're all excited for it to arrive.

The new musical member of the family

a BIG fat thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. :)

11:05 pm .link .one comment.

september 9, 2001

Well, I'm on my way back to Tucson. It's hard to say how long I'll actually be there, but at the latest, I'll be back next weekend (15/16..)Any my email box is always open. I'm nervous about leaving Mom here, but I know that she's an incredible lady and could totally do this... I just hate to leave her on her own. I suspect that before long, my help might be needed again.

I'm thinking of everyone.. It's been an exausting few to all.

12:03 pm .link .2 comments.

september 7, 2001

Okay, thanks to Erika at Snazzykat, my archive and comments templates are now all updated like they should be, and to Amy at Rhapsody In Blog who reminded me about putting a linkback from the archives. I think I'm almost altogether. Thanks for the feedback, folks. You rule my world in, like, twenty different ways!

06:03 pm .link .one comment.

Okay, I hate to say it, but Wil Wheaton's weblog has sucked in even me. Damn if I couldn't help it, his writing was just suprisingly cool!

04:42 pm .link .one comment.

We made it to Friday. Hoorah! I think I'll be going back to Tucson this weekend. Timmy's birthday is on Tuesday, (timmy on Tuesday! Yay!) It'll be nice to be home for a little while.

In other news, I finally have a journal coming to me, it's being mailed Monday, and I'm wicked excited about the fun crafty stuff I'll be able to do with it. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

01:59 pm .link .3 comments.

september 6, 2001

Hey all, welcome to Desertgrrl's new look for autumn! I might be making some tweaks here and there. Let me know if you run across anything that looks wonky! :)

07:15 pm .link .6 comments.

september 5, 2001

Alright, so I'm all excited about the oncoming autumn, I'm working on a redesign, and I've pretty much got it all figured out. I am hoping to have it online tomarrow, and I can't wait to get some feedback on it! Woo! :) This has been a good thing for me to do while I'm here, and needing distraction. :) But anyhoo, it's off to bed for me tonight. Desertgrrls need their sleep! :)

11:46 pm .link .no comments.

You know, I missed it in all the chaos here, but Desertgrrl turned 1 on August 31!!

So, all the more reason for me to push through a redesign. Poor ol' girl deserves a makeover for her birthday. Any good ideas? :)

10:38 am .link .2 comments.

september 4, 2001

Yes, I know I'm crazy.

However, I think it's time for a redesign. I can give my brain something to do with itself while I'm here, when I'm not attending to something that needs attended to. I might do without some of the sections, like the never-completed Reviews, or the sorta faded out Web section...Who knows what I'll use. I'll probably futz for a few hours tonight, pare down, see what I can come up with.

All the magnificent stuff going on over at Snazzykat's awesome Freshly Made project has got me inspired. Woo woo! :)

07:57 pm .link .no comments.

Well, we got Dad home Sunday night, and while things are still somewhat critical, he's recovering with speed. I'm staying with my Mom during this time, and while I miss Timmy like nuts, not to mention the kittens and my own bed, it's so much better for me to be here now. At least until we can get dad a little stronger, and until we all have our confidence back in force. We'll have a nunrse in a few times a week for blood level testing, and an array of therapists. The poor guy's about to face a barrage. I just continue to hope that his strength holds out. He's still incredibly weak. :(

However, having him home is more peaceful for all of us....Everything is still...strange, but at least we're home.

It's so nice to feel on even ground again. I'm rooting for a strong recovery, but the realist in me continues to stay cautious. I hope the old man pulls through and proves me wrong. :)

Thanks again o everyone who's posted love for me; my thoughts and love is with you all.

01:50 pm .link .2 comments.

august 30, 2001

Well, I don't know what to say, but this man has not only the family, but the medical community absolutely baffled. He made an incredible turn for the better today, and while I'm extremely cautious in my long-term belief in this currently, I'm super grateful. It's hard to know what to think, or know what
s really going on... I'm pretty exausted, and everything seems so hard to comprehend right now. But, for the moment, at least the next 12 hours, we're looking like we've got a shred of hope.

10:13 pm .link .7 comments.

august 28, 2001

Well, my Dad is dying.


02:31 pm .link .10 comments.

august 20, 2001

Hi folks... I wanna thank everyone who's been so cool and sent me little lovenotes to wish me the best about Dad. Here's the skinny. Dad basically had an episode of seizures that put him in the hospital on a breathing machine for a few days. During those days, he was being kept alive by the machine, and we were all pretty darn scared. It's been a rollercoaster of a time, but Dad has pulled through, and with amazing strength. They finally sent him home late yesterday, to be under the careful eye of in home nurses and therapists.

I think that it was nothing short of a miraculous will to live that brought him home. I also feel like it was our big cosmic kick in the ass to really pay attention. And I think that with the correct care, Dad could bounce back. He's proven incredible resiliance so far.

I'm weary, but finally recovering from the shift vigils by his side as he gained consiousness. It's been an exausting time.

My love is with all, and I just wanted to put out my thoughts and thanks....

09:44 pm .link .6 comments.

This is the last note Anathea left me:
"hi hon! I know I am just sorta sporratic, but things are crazy as usual. I'm actually in town, but dad's been comatose at Mayo Clinic hosp. and most of my time has been there. I just wanted to check in and say I miss you and I wish we could get together. If I am here for many more days with no change, I might need to call you and go out for a break. :)
I hope you're good! xoxoxo...-anathea"

I tried to get a hold of her but no luck. I assume they spent most of the time at the hospital. With her living in Tucson and trying to find full time work and with her Dad being really sick I don’t know how often she will be updating. It doesn’t help her computer is still down. Just send her e-mail love. And hopefully she will be back soon.
Posted by earthbind

08:43 am .link .one comment.

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