Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

January 8, 2000 (5 Ben, 6 Chen, 8 Manik)

Greetings! We come here today with more interesting information for you. In our past messages, we have discussed many aspects of your ever-expanding consciousness. In this light, we would like to continue our discussion about the nature of your continuing adjustments. As you know, dear Ones, you have been experiencing different types of pain, nausea and fatigue. These things are symptoms of the integrating of your physical and spiritual bodies. In addition, these changes have been rapidly transforming the very nature of the amount of Light codings available to your RNA/DNA protein strings. As a result, you have been allowing more and more Light into your physical reality. As this amount of Light increases, it alters the myriad information patterning that constructs you continually. Now, it is necessary for you to imagine yourselves as being similar to multi-dimensional holographic circuitry. To exist, this Light circuitry needs to remain on. Hence, the need for Spirit to constantly renew your life-force energies. This process can be modified when it is divinely right to do so.

      When this Light information patterning is altered, it changes the very nature of your physical body. It also opens you up to new possibilities. Our purpose is to use this process to restore you, in a series of specially regulated intervals, to full consciousness. Consequently, you have seen how your view of your reality is changing. This changing is also expanding your global consciousness field. These changes put pressure on your reality's matrix. It is this procedure that gave us the opportunity to reorder this matrix. This step in your transformation was done months ago. Currently, we are gradually adjusting you to this possibility. Keep in mind that your matrix has taught you to view this reality in a certain way. It is easier to change your viewpoint on a particular issue than to transmute your long-held beliefs on how physicality should 'look' or 'act'. This process is the reason behind all your adjustments. You have an inculcated resistance to your reality. This 'resist dance' is one most of you are quite good at. It seems that all of you have learned its many steps and even invented new ones.

      As your physical body is prepared to accept its reunion with your Light body, your connection to Spirit can be further opened up. This means that your silver and gold cords can receive more and more of who you truly are. This operation assists the adding of more Light codes to your RNA/DNA patterning. It is this process that is permitting an acceleration of your integration procedures. Hence, it is important to observe what is happening to you in a holistic fashion. Many complex steps are coming together quickly to forge a fully conscious you. Each of these steps is being done for a specific reason. Yet, they affect other processes quite different from themselves. This brings us to the beauty of what is occurring. It is a series of small, seemingly unconnected pieces coming together to play a very magnificent symphony. The first parts of this symphony have been ones in which you have noticed only its many side effects. You are approaching quickly the moment when the main actions of each procedure will become more noticeable than its many concurring side effects.

      This brings us back to the nature of your resist dance. As you change, your information patterns begin to tell you to alter your beliefs about this current reality. Moreover, your reality's matrix is feeding this same picture back to you. In limited consciousness, everything needs a certain logic. Any new logic has to first prove itself to you. Many of you desire to quickly change this collective agreement on your reality. Still, a vast majority wishes to retain a 'wait and see' attitude. It is this process that creates your resist dance. Our mission is to modify your core beliefs only enough to permit your reality to shift to a new one. It is this objective that we are very close to achieving. Each of you is developing varying degrees of skepticism about the need to retain your many-faceted core belief systems. This changing of your core beliefs is occurring as a by-product of all that we have mentioned. Further, you are beginning to see that you have a modicum of say on how this system operates, and you desire to expand your growing degrees of influence.

      Globally, you can see how this fragmenting between your many old core beliefs and the developing new ones is cracking your resistance. It is also opening you up to listening more closely to advice from Spirit. We in Heaven are very pleased with how this scenario is turning out. Your growing consciousness is opening up every aspect of this reality to review. New data is appearing that is helping you to create the foundation for the 'logic' that you seek. A major key in this process is the added validity that Heart-logic has accrued in the past decade. When this growing movement toward Heart-logic shortly becomes a flood, our task will have been done. This lone act will open the gates to your full acceptance of a new way of doing things. It will also redefine how your society is to be evaluated by its constituents. It will be another major portent that you are ready to transform your reality into a new and better one.

      Adding to this process is the nature of our ongoing adjustments. We are gently breaking down many millennia of negative thought-forms. These thought-forms are more than generational in nature. They are merely the remaining detritus from your reality's matrix, which has long clogged up your direct connection to Spirit. We are jointly sweeping this spiritual dust and dirt from you. Occasionally, this process has had a more deleterious effect upon you than at other times. The nature of the amplitude of this wave of intensity is determined by your skill at the 'resist dance'. Here, it is necessary for you to see the importance of evaluating your core beliefs by employing your intuitive, or Heart-logic. From this exercise, you can see how far you have come, and how much farther you have still to go.

      As you evaluate your progress, understand that what you do is both an individual and a group effort. It is part of the process that makes you ready for full consciousness and a new reality. In fact, you and all of Heaven have already created all of what is about to happen. The only remaining segment is your core resistance to what needs to be done. This resistance is based simply upon illusory concepts of what should occur, and not upon what is actually happening. It is this completely illogical discrepancy that is holding you all back. Yet, like stubborn children, you refuse to let go and let it all happen quickly. To put it bluntly, this one complex obstacle is all that presently blocks you from what you have stated to us that you desire, but, in fact, have profoundly denied to yourselves.

      Your reality is really hanging on a thin thread. Your many worldly cabals understand this point quite clearly. They also fully comprehend the nature of your stubbornness, which is at the core of your resist dance. Your secret rulers are also very aware of our determination and focus to carry out the decrees and the commands of the divine plan. Because of this, it is vital that you understand that what is about to happen is quite inevitable. There are 'right timings' set up within the decrees of the divine plan. These timings will be completed as scheduled. Now we ask you to do your part in carrying out what you must do, in order to achieve our joint objectives. These tasks are ones that you truly know in your heart. Look inside, discern their procedures, and then solemnly and devotedly act accordingly.

      Today, we have discussed your adjustments and how they relate to your changing reality. Dear Ones, we ask you to look inside and ask your True Self for guidance. Then, we request that you apply it. Become a focal point for change, and not just an interested observer. Know that you are a part of what is happening, and not a mere dot of flotsam being tossed hither and thither by mere change. We now take our leave. Ones of the Earth and of Spirit: become fully able to take your place in the great plan of Creation! Amen. Selamat Ja! (Be in Joy!)

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