Welcome to the workshops page! You will find our (very!) full schedule listed below, including who is running each event and when/how long/etc. If you have any questions please email info@trianglepaganpride.org

Click on each workshop for a description and a quick bio of the facilitator!

Coordinator- Gryphon Rosemead
Ritual: What? Why? How?
by Dick Merritt
Pagan Parenting 
by Gypc Andrews

No Workshops- Opening Ritual
Introduction to Feng Shui 
by Ursa Madre

Reclaiming Tradition
Cosmic Kids
by Ginger Rain
Healing Circles 
by Yarrow
Out of the Broom Closet
by Patricia Telesco
Druid Basics 
by Bill Elston
Men in Modern/Neo-Paganism
Dick Merritt, Eric Schwenke, Lance Brown
Children's Program 
by Tim Woody and Sundance
Drumming and Chanting 


Wicca Basics
by Tony Brown
Church of Wicca

No Workshops- Closing Ritual
  All material on this page copyright Triangle Pagan Pride 2001