The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act

Monetary and fiscal policy reform that will double the standard of living for every American
within one generation and restore economic and social prosperity across the land.

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Notes and Legal Stuff

This web site is maintained by The NESARA Institute. The site exists to address a most difficult and contentious subject—fiscal and monetary policy.

Our goal: To establish the American Dream as a way of life—internationally.

Our immediate objective: The personal education of anyone interested in fiscal policy and monetary policy.

The theme of this web site rests upon a fundamental concept: that all people, regardless of race, sex, creed, beliefs, etc., have an inalienable, irrevocable, inseparable right to their property.

All information articles contained herein are copyrighted, and all rights reserved, except that all or any part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or copied by mechanical photocopying, recording or any other means without permission from the authors provided the copied material is free and the authors and web site receive credit as the source.


The NESARA Institute

The NESARA Institute is a non-profit educational organization. The postal mailing address is:

NESARA Institute
7635 Jefferson Hwy. No. 354
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809 

The NESARA Institute exists in cyberspace, having no offices or office supplies, no staff of paid personnel, no telephone. This effort to heal America is a grass roots movement and the people who support the web site are affiliated with no political group or party. The “Grass Roots Movement” of NESARA includes any person who wishes to participate in spreading the word about the ideas expressed in NESARA. There is no “club,” no membership list, and no secret passwords or handshakes, just people who are willing to invest their time in studying, discussing and working out society’s root problems.

The web site is designed to be educational, intended to encourage visitors to focus on the issues and not people. We use pen names for commentaries, in the same spirit as the writers of the constitutional debates, and the intent is to encourage readers to study the posted material and develop their own opinions, not to depend on a celebrity or authoritative endorsement. In other words, you endorse the idea, not people.


The text of the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act is hereby placed in the public domain. You may read, copy and reproduce, support or denounce, amend or write your own Act. The authors expect mention, honorable or otherwise, but appreciate even more your attention and efforts.

NESARA was written for grass-roots political activists in the hopes that if people understood “there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” The bill was never intended to be taken verbatim as the law of the land. However, if a copy should find its way into the halls of Congress—well, perhaps some good will come of it.

We apologize in advance for any errors, both commissions and omissions, and invite your comments, particularly your constructive criticism.

We provide links to other web sites we believe might be helpful to you, but those links do not constitute endorsement of the goals, philosophy and pursuits of those sites or authors.



All sources are documented to the best of each author’s ability. Footnotes are provided, as well as comprehensive lists of all citations. Court cases cited in this site are listed at Court Cases Cited Within This Web Site, books and references are listed at Books Cited Within This Web Site.


About the Numbers

The numbers used throughout this site are from a variety of sources. Many of the numbers are identified in the article references. Two very useful sources were The 1996 Information Please Almanac, Houghton Mifflin Company, and Funk and Wagnalls’ The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1996. If you enjoy horror stories, browse the sections on Business, Economics, Employment, Taxes and World Statistics. These facts document a world in financial chaos. Stephen King wishes he could scare people this much.

Efforts were made to ensure that the figures used are correct, although absolute accuracy was usually unimportant. Numbers that show how a system might work came from the same place your math teachers got homework problems and fractional reserve banks get the money they loan—out of thin air.

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