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AOL Security Breaches

  2001 Current
  1995 and Below

Welcome to the AOL Security Breaches database. We've compiled this database of AOL exploits, hacks, important discoveries, and events to show people how secure AOL really is as well as to give credit to the those who have spent the time to discover them. People are still searching for flaws and you can be sure that there will be many more. However, the people who find them are learning to keep quite about it because as soon as AOL becomes coginzant of security breaches they are quick to patch them just as they have patched many of these.

We encourage you to submit other exploits, discoveries or important events you think are worth adding to this database. We have many cateloged but there are still some that we have not. If you would like to submit your own entry you can do it by filling out the submit form. If the content of any of our current entries is incorrect or if you have additional information on it please let us know and fill out the correction form.

The AOL Security Breaches database is O0O's idea. He participated in many of these activities so he has first hand experience with them. He maintains this database and also reviews any submitted exploits for accuracy. He can be contacted at

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© 2000 BMB and Tau Productions. Contacts: BMB | Tau | Rob