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Wistancia Stone : What on Earth is Happening to Our Bodies · Forgiving Planet Earth and Ourselves · The Holy Spirit and The Grand Exodus · The Year of Becoming Authentic · Investigating The Science of Right Action · Synthesizing Multi-Dimensional Realities · Feeling Into Physical Ascension · The Goddess Role of Manifestation · 2001: Spacing With God · The Goddess Perception of True Meditation · Marriage of Science and Spirituality · Playing the Part of The Heart · Disclosing the Heart · Co-creating Heaven on Earth in the Intensity .. · Catching the Harmony - or - Trains, Time Line.. · Finishing Off One Reality and Moving Multidim.. · As Time Goes Bye · A New Operating System

As Time Goes Bye

written by Wistancia Stone <>
Posted Tue, 2-Apr-2002 19:09:47 GMT

Wistancia Stone

Wistancia Stone is a liason, a bridge, and a representative of Oneness and Unity Consciousness for many Spiritual hierarchies. She is dedicated to braiding worlds and kingdoms through the Heart of the ONE. She is a voice for the Return of The Sacred Embodiment of Christ Consciousness and God Consciousness through The Holy Spirit and the Full Return to Earth of the Divine Feminine. Through the Melchizedek Synthesis Light Ashram and Academy, Wistancia works as a telepathic voice channel for Cosmic, Universal and Planetary Masters, Archangels and Light Beings. She is also a teacher, healer, author, poet, and solar shaman. She specializes in Ascension clearing, activation, inter-dimensional travel, counseling, manifestation ceremonies, creative meditation and invocation, and White Time Healing. She is the author of two books, Invocations to the Light published by Blue Dolphin, and Empowerment and Integration Through The Goddess, co-authored with Joshua Stone.

More articles by Wistancia Stone, visit http://www.drjoshuadavidstone. com/wist/wistmain.htm.

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  • For a long time now, people have been talking about space and trying to ascertain what is happening to our time. For a couple of years now, we have been experiencing the collapse of time. Different scientists have talked about it in different ways. Some have declared that the 24 hour day now contains 16 hours. Others have said that it has dropped down a lot more. Others say that time is speeding up. Some have talked about pole reversals and a time when the Earth stops still in her tracks before continuing to turn in a different way.

    We are moving in Quick Time

    I have been noticing the Time collapse for years now, but 2001 simply whizzed by. There is a part of me that still cannot believe we are moving in Quick Time, already a third of the way through 2002. Lightworkers have been talking about not being able to complete anything. Time certainly does feel different now. Everything is going really fast now! I can sit down to answer emails and spend the entire day doing so. Yes, I get a lot of letters, but there are other factors involved. It takes a lot of my time, because I have less of it to begin with.

    Time is different on every planet

    Time is a fascinating subject. I have recently learned that it is a factor that is different on every planet. When I realized that time really isn't a measurement; it is an energy that works differently in different Spaces, I had a revelation for the first "time." Humans on planet Earth have no idea what Time is. One of the reasons is that we think of time and record it, measure it, and plan around it in a linear way. For a long time the masters have been teaching me to think more universally.

    We have not had all the facts about time

    Thinking universally is not thinking about time in a linear way. Things do not simply go from point A to point B in a straight line, like a ruler. Or from the 8 to the 9 on the clock. I will not attempt to explain time; that is not my purpose here. There are others who can actually do this. What I am wanting to share is simply this: we have had it wrong, in one way, for a long time. It is not linear, although thinking in linear terms has aided us for a while on the planet. It is not about good/bad or greater than and lesser than. It is about differences. We have not had all the facts about time. We have not had exposure to how planets work with time. We have not been used to living in simultaneous time. Disconnected to a large degree from our past as far as full memory in full consciousness, and thinking of the future as a mystery has added to our misunderstanding of time. The fact that we are just now beginning to learn the value of living life in the Present Lane has also contributed.

    With increased Consciousness, comes more Understanding of the meaning of Time

    With increased consciousness, comes more understanding of the meaning of Time. And I think the most important first step is to realize that we have to change the way in which we think, if we are to understand how and what it really is. It is high time that we do, as I see it, since we are about to step into a new room of existence. We are entering a higher vibrational and dimensional aspect of our planet and about to take our place in a galactic society as citizens who share a higher understanding of Time and of Space. Openness to receiving readjustments in our way of thinking is the first step. This understanding will not be withheld from us. When reprogramming happens, new coding happens, and we are being reprogrammed. That means we are being recoded. That also means that we are being upgraded. This translates to us moving toward an enhanced ability to understand. As we stand under the avalanche of Higher Frequencies, this is all inevitable. It is already happening. It is happening all of the time now.

    Many beloved beings who live in the higher dimensions already and have Higher Understandings that we do not now have, are committed to assisting us in receiving them.

    All matter in our bodies and on our planet is in the process of being recalibrated to a different frequency. Our Merkabah fields are being repatterned. We are, all of us, to some degree undergoing frequency modulation. Pictures and information is being received and is being sent via the dialogues of our cells to our physical systems. We're coming back on line. New information is being inserted into our brain systems and changing our brain chemistry. It may begin with certain individuals, but the interests of the Whole Society is at stake.

    Our ability to understand is being enhanced from the outside to the inside and from the inside (our subatomics) to the outside. You could say that a lot of new information will continue to be inserted into our consciousness, over time. Our physical bodies will continue to receive downloads of New Light packets that change us. It is all about changing us. It is all about bringing us up to a new level. It is all about deleting old encodements, and coming back on line with our Divinity. Many beloved beings who live in the higher dimensions already and have Higher Understandings that we do not now have, are committed to assisting us in receiving them. This is a wonderful time!

    This time Ascension is a fact

    The ascension of Planet Earth is very much on target; it is on time. It is not a matter of will Earth ascend, the way it was at, say, another time. It is a fact now. This Time Ascension is a fact. It is more a matter of will it be 2012 or will it be sooner? It is also more of a question to ask: How is the planet going to ascend? Will it be done with ease, ecstasy and equipoise? Or will it be done with a lot of tug of wars continuing? To me, It is as if Earth reached The Outer Limits of Separation, Disharmony and Limitation. She stretched into those depths, you could say, about as far as possible, or at least as far as She was willing to go. There are places that have less consciousness than Earth, I understand. In being stretched to her outer limits, she is now moving almost like a sling shot. She is flying into the ascension, so ready and so poised for this action. Taken to her outer limits, she is now moving into the Ascension quite fast, which is what happens when you let go of a sling shot. There has been a whole lot of letting go going on, for some time now.

    Since everything is energy and energy is totally connected, everything is going

    I personally see her like a house of cards or like a game of dominoes. She's going and when she goes, she affects the other planets in this solar system, the solar system and the galaxy. Since everything is energy and energy is totally connected, everything is going. And since it is going both ways -- the galaxy is affecting the planet and the planet is affecting the galaxy - Energy of Ascension is really moving fast. It's on the run. And the New Earth, already in existence, is beckoning it all on as well. What an exciting time, as we march out of ignorance and into full consciousness.

    It is about time we stop and consider that everything is changing

    Earth is ascending. She is ascending in simultaneity with other planets and worlds. Our universe and its alternate universe are also, more slowly perhaps, ascending. Everything is connected and the rejoicing in the Heavens is very loud. The Death Kingdom is also ascending. We have been experiencing the astral level clearing out for a while now. Now, when someone dies they do not go to the Astral Plane. It is clearing out, just like the Earth is. The Death Kingdom is a different kind of kingdom than it once was. It is in transition as well. What that means is that the ascension will happen if someone dies or if someone resurrects and takes their body with them, turning it into the higher vibrational pattern. Many have already ascended to New Earth. Animals, plants and humans are already populating the planet, having ascended in order to do that, or ascended as they left the planet. Either way, our definitions are changing. And it is about time we stop and consider that everything is changing. Within everything changing, time and space are changing and it would be good if our definitions of them would also go higher.

    I experience time collapsing and space expanding on a daily basis. Some of it has become normal. My normal experience is that I have to somewhat keep shifting my rhythm to accommodate the shifts that come in all day and night long. Dimensions are folding in. Sometimes they are quite obvious; other times not so obvious. It can be disorienting. It can be tiring. It can be ecstatic. It can be very beautiful. It can feel very spacy as other dimensions now interface with 3D. You can feel like you are sleepwalking. You can wonder where in the world you are. It can feel hard to be in the body. It can feel un-real. It can also feel more exhilarating than any other experience Present Earth has to offer. It can feel ecstatic, even when the body hurts from the transmutations and mutations that are ongoing.

    I notice that the animals I live with are looking all over the place now. They are spotting angels on the ceiling. They are following the movement of light beings and geometries across the space of the bedroom. They are fascinated and obvious about what they see; they are calm with their adjustments to the new energies. They are riding the waves of form changing more easily than humans. Why? Because they do not have so many belief systems to drop. They can more easily go with the changing landscape of the new pictures of reality. They do not have the fear or the resistance to change that humans have. Especially not when it feels so much more elevated.

    As time goes by, it seems someone is either very awake or asleep

    Interestingly enough it appears that people are either living this transition and shift and know that something big is going on, something wonderful is about to happen - or they do not have a clue what is happening. More and more, as time goes by, it seems someone is either very awake, or getting there, or asleep. The middle floor has dropped out. The mezzanine has dropped out of the picture. There's the balcony and there's ground zero. No mezzanine.

    Our world is restructuring Herself

    I believe that all of us on Present Planet Earth are beginning to open up to dimensions and access multiple realities. I believe that we are all experiencing time collapses and spatial expansions. Our world is restructuring Herself. Ascension is restructuralization. The structures of the Planet Herself are changing and the structure of our dimension is changing. With it all, the structure of our bodies is also altering.

    Perceptions of Time can't help but be restructured this time

    I think that most of the population knows that something is going on with time. People are saying it and describing it in a lot of ways. Older people think it is because of their age. Younger people think that it is because when you are having fun, time flies. Time is flying for none of the reasons that many are giving it. This is not going to go away. Perceptions of time can't help but be restructured this time. Every day more and more 4th dim frequencies and 5th dimensional frequencies are coming in to mingle with the 3D. Our present Earth mother is going astral these days.

    Love is fast becoming the most important ingredient to experience in our day to day lives

    We are being challenged to use our time wisely. To make clear conscious decisions about what we want to do with our time. We are being challenged to be discerning about who we want to spend our time with and what we want to spend it doing. We are beginning to feel that it would be best to do what is important for the co-creation of Heaven on Earth. It is becoming clear that it is important to follow the heart's path. It is becoming clear that it might be best to narrow down what we think we need to get done, and do whatever we do with Higher quality rather than higher quantity. Love is fast becoming the most important ingredient to experience in our day to day lives.

    They are way ahead of us in knowledge about time and the way time works and what can be done with time

    I choose not to learn from limitation any longer. It has been fun, but goodbye. There may be more to learn, but I am throwing in the limitation towel. I want to understand and experience the fullness of simultaneity. Extraterrestrials, Angels and Light Beings know a lot about time and what it is and how it works. It is safe to say that they are way ahead of us in knowledge about time and the way time works and what can be done with time. Their purpose was not to experience limitation, so do not compare. They know how to travel back and forward in time.

    I have been healing with an energy that is called White Time for a few years. White Time is Past, Present and Future time connected into one unit. They say that a unit of White Time contains the frequency of everything. It fills up the space between atoms. Extra-terrestrials travel in white time tunnels that are all over the galaxy and universe, connecting, say, two planets or two galaxies or solar systems. I have been taught that it takes 0.00043 second to travel between two planets, for instance, no matter how far apart they are, in a White Time tunnel. So when extra-terrestrials want to travel they most likely choose to travel within these White Time tunnels. Because our perceptions of time and our knowledge of time is so limited, we think of traveling to other planets as taking a certain amount of light years. We would be old before we could ever return. But it is not like that!

    There are other teachings that talk about Everything existing at the Same Moment. The mental bodies of humanity cannot yet wrap around the idea of past, present and future in simultaneity. It is still difficult for humanity to believe that everything is existing at the same time. Just knowing that we have so few of the real facts and so little or the full truth, is extremely expanding and exciting. It will all be remembered in time.

    Another aspect of time that fascinates me is the power of the Present Moment and the power of being present in a moment

    Another aspect of time that fascinates me is the power of the Present Moment and the power of being present in a moment. On Earth we have been taught to believe that it takes a long time to make something worthwhile happen. We have no idea how powerful one moment of utter focus is. In the higher realms they work with the energy of The Holy Minute. I was taught about this in my White Time training. A Holy Minute is a whole minute of being within the space of belief and surrender to that minute. It is absolutely not easy to do; although it is do-able. It is much much harder than it sounds. Even practicing it brings about a great degree of power. On Earth many believe that you need to know someone for a long time, in order to really know them. I believe that the power behind time is consciousness. With higher consciousness it may take a moment to know the truth of something or the heart of someone; on Earth people miss knowing these after a long passage of time, not because time is of the essence here, but because consciousness is.

    A moment that holds Eternity

    As we go up higher to a new level of consciousness, the quality of life will change completely. On a planet in ascension mode, all qualities are already changing dramatically. Time, as we know it, is passing away. We are in the 11th hour of leaving our limited perspectives on Time behind and moving into timelessness, a time where time takes on a new meaning and a new experience. Where the pressure of linear time will be removed and in its place will be a quality that I can only experience some of at this moment. It feels like a spacious moment. A moment that holds Eternity. Like a river that is one necklace of water beads that wind, droplet by droplet, dancing into the Sea. It feels like just talking about this makes me feel like it is Time to Go Home. Like the Heart's ticking will replace our watches. And we won't be so cuckoo about our appointments and so stressed about getting there. Everyone will arrive within Divine timing, which will dictate where we go and when and who is involved. Within the natural flow of Divinity within us and connection we will come to know the higher truths and perspectives that higher realm populations eagerly await sharing with us.

    If you are here NOW, you are coming into the New Energies and the New Time

    Our neighborhoods are changing. The New Energies are all coming to a theater near you, in your own backyard. If you are here NOW, you are coming into the New Energies and the New Time. Time as we have known it is saying bye-bye. It's shuffling off to Buffalo. It's winding down. Its numbers are up! Its time is ticking away. Even as our Present Reality is gathering up the momentum of Deep Ascension, our planet knows it's time is up. Time to enjoy the time we have left here. Time to make our moments count. Time to do what we came here to do and be ourselves. Time to listen to our Wake Up Calls and stop being alarmed about everything. It is the morning of a New Dawn for Earth.

    Perhaps these are the end times, after all

    Perhaps these are the end times, after all! The end of time as we have defined it. The end of our limited perception of Time as we have perceived it. We are marching into the time when more of the enigma of the energy itself will be made available to us. We will solve the mystery of what it is and what we are to do with it. We are arriving at the time when we will stop wasting it and will interface with it differently..

    Make the most of your time left on Present Earth

    New Earth is already living in a different sequence of Time Now. It's time to have a good time in 3D. Humanity is graduating. It's time for the cap(stones) and the gowns (of Light). It's time to take up residence in our Christed identities and it's time to pretend we are Divine until we know we really are. I say it's a High Time and time to make the most of our time left on Present Earth. And I have reached the time to end this article and go do something else with my time.

    Direct replies or comments please send to
    Wistancia Stone <>.

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