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Backlash in Majlis byelection — 62% refuse to vote
by Faiykolhu (pseudonym)
Malé 5 May 2002

island in a storm

Low voter turnout in the Malé byelection for the Majlis is evidence of the level of anger over the gaoling and exile of popular former member Mohamed Nasheed. Only 38% of Malé's 25,495 eligible voters took part in the election, according to a report in the Maldives evening newspaper, Haveeru. This may be the lowest voter participation rate in Maldivian history.

Voting took place in damp weather, with constant drizzle. Haveeru attempted to blame the low turnout on this weather, but for many potential voters the drizzle was simply a sign of the sadness of the day.

Leading up to the byelection, there were clear signs of electoral frustration. Candidate Umar Naseer attracted particular hostility because of his alleged activities as a torturer. He served as a NSS police officer in the late 1980s until his dismissal in the mid-1990s. His posters were torn down or disfigured with the addition of names such as 'Umaru Sharon' and 'Mullah Umaru'.

Public anger in Malé with the Gayyoom regime has also been fueled by the recent corruption trial and gaoling of a senior official working at the Ministry of Tourism and the exposure of his role in a much wider network of bribe-taking and influence-peddling.

The election for Mohamed Nasheed's old seat was won by Abdullah Kamaluddheen, the current Minister for Human Resources, Employment and Labour. He has been a member of the Majlis twice before, serving for a total of seven years. This election he received 2,967 votes, 30% of total votes cast.

The second highest vote was 2,076 for Yusuf Rafeeu. Widely and affectionately known by his nickname Yusay, Rafeeu has appeared in many Maldivian films where he always plays a comic character. His high returns are seen as a protest vote by Maldivian observers.

Other candidates results were:
Ali Asim - 1203
Umar Naseer - 698
Zahiya Zareer - 1688
Mohamed Ibrahim Haleem - 457
Mohamed Shareef - 109
Hassan Shafeeg - 44
Nazeer Jamaal - 44
316 votes were declared invalid.


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Maldives Culture is an independent internet magazine of Maldivian cultural issues.
Editors and translators: Michael O'Shea and Fareesha Abdulla, Australia
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