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Welcome to OverClocked ReMix,

a website dedicated to reviving the video and computer game music of yesterday, and reinterpreting that of today, with new technology & capabilities. This site's mission is to prove that this music is not disposable or merely just background, but is as intricate, innovative, and longevous as any other form. For more information please refer to the FAQ.

Currently in Forums:

03:49 - The rules for sigs?
03:43 - Why is the XBOX getting such a bad Rap?
03:19 - The urge to purge...
03:12 - All time hardest boss...
03:09 - important:Submission process not working DJ P dont kill me
03:05 - An old school gamer speaks.
02:50 - Zelda's New clothes
02:41 - I WANT
02:38 - Help me help myself...
02:37 - Music Theory 101: (Spram read this for the song you posted)
02:35 - Motoi Sakuraba's work
02:00 - If there were a game you could improve...
01:55 - How many mp3s do you have?
01:33 - Quick suggestion to n00b remixers (or non)

20 Latest ReMixes

05-29 Zelda 64 Ocarina of Time
'Double A Ron's Goron'
by Double A Ron
05-29 Earthbound
'Rings Of Saturn Valley'
by Jupiter Crayons
05-25 Mega Man 2
'Project X 2 Metalman'
by Project X
05-25 Final Fantasy 9
'Safety In Numbers'
by Orkybash
05-23 Alex Kidd in Miracle World
by djpretzel
05-23 Super Metroid
by Beatdrop
05-23 M&M;'s Mini Madness
'virt's Madness'
by Mustin
05-23 Chrono Trigger
'Millenial Mountain (Delightful Disco Mix)'
by NoppZ
05-23 Xenogears
'Theme Of A Sailor'
by The Pancake Chef
05-18 Castlevania
by AmIEviL
05-18 Zelda 2
'Temple Trance'
by bLiNd

05-18 Secret of Mana 'Aphrodite Oceanus'
05-16 Marvel Superheroes Vs. Street Fighter 'MessatsuGou-Techno(Akuma)'
05-16 Mega Man 2 'ProjectX2Crashman'
05-16 Breath of Fire 'Sad Melody'
05-13 Gunstar Heroes 'Deep Mine'
05-13 Terranigma 'Crysta Dreams'
05-11 Mega Man 2 'Project X 2 (TitleScreen)'
05-09 Zillion 'MelodicTrance'
05-09 Chrono Cross 'Dubbing The Body'

. . . more  

2249533 hits since sometime around Jan., 2000

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All compositions, arrangements, images, trademarks, and pudding snacks are copyright their respective owners.
Original content is copyright Iterations Productions.

Please refer to the Site FAQ for information about the site's history, features, and policies.
Contact David Lloyd (djpretzel), webmaster, with feedback or questions not answered in the FAQ, etc..

Thankya kindly ;)