I'd like to introduce you to the two fellas above. "Bucky" and "Kucky". They are not only the "Official Mascots of the Beaver County Militia", but also one of our newest weapons in the war on the UN/NWO/Amish Alliance. The guys, along with a large amount of others in locations that will remain secret, have been trained in demolition delivery and retrieval. I know what you are thinking......How can this be?? Remember years ago when the U.S. Navy was experimenting with dolphins doing much the same thing. Well, one of our members is a Navy Vet and had privy to the intelligence concerning the training of the dolphins. He brought it to my attention, and these two guys came to my mind. I thought that if we could train these animals, that this would give us the penetration into hostile Amish territory that we had been lacking. We stand out like sore thumbs to the Amish, and have had limitied success in infiltrating their ranks. But these guys go un-noticed. Once their training was completed, it was expanded to include the rest of the country. These guys have been released into waterways, ponds, creeks and the like in hostile Amish area. Their keen hearing allows us to communicate with them, and relay commands. We have had great success in the early trials. The Amish never knew what hit them until it was too late. Not only did the daming do tremendous crop damage on their farms, when they tried to dislodge the dams, the beavers responded with their explosives. One unlucky Amish that got his hands on Bucky is now called "Lefty" by his brethren. Not to be outdone, Kucky then spread his charm all over the farm. Kucky was everywhere. We released these guys none too soon, as "Y2K" may have come, but it isn't gone yet. The Amish are just delaying this for some reason, maybe because we were prepared. But don't be fooled. They are still preparing for invasion and take over. This may just be the lull before the storm. Waiting for us to relax and let down our guard. Waiting for us to not care anymore, or not believe. If the Amish go ahead with their fiendish plot to crash our computers, we will send the signals around the country to Bucky and Kucky's cousins. Let's see how the Amish plan to run their giant slave farms without crops. More details will follow on the Amish Post Y2K plot soon. Until then, the Amish will feel the

"Bite of the Beaver"

Lefty...Never did learn his lesson


  • " GO TO AMISH P.O.W. CAMPS..."


  • © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Beaver County Militia