W3C Semantic Web Development

Site Summaries in XHTML

This is a metadata profile in the sense of section 6.12 Link types of the HTML 4.0 specification (the Grounding link relationships and classes section in HyperRDF explains in more detail).

If you refer to this profile in your document, you claim that your page is intended to serve as a channel in the RSS sense:

Share and enjoy:

The W3C at meerkat channel seems to be working (Sep 2000). Keep your fingers crossed!

Changes: updated 2000-11-16 by danbri to track changes in the RSS 1.0 proposal.

2001-05-31: experimental RSS 0.92 support, following an RSS-DEV discussion. The resulting RSS 0.92 feed and edited XSLT file are both available. Thanks to Teun Duynstee for making the first pass of edits to amend the stylesheet for RSS 0.92. Final tweaks by danbri. Send suggestions/fixes to RSS-DEV.

Try it

XSL file:

XML data:





Following the recent (Aug 2000) announcement of RSS-ala-RDF, and my notes on Semantic Web screen scraping (e.g. HyperRDF), I developed this little transformation that turns the W3C home page into RSS.

This isn't a really original idea; see XHTML-to-RSS Extractor service by Evic van der VList and DanBri; one of the RSS tools.

Frameworks and Applications

W3C has taken a "framework" approach to things like channels, packages and such. We had the CDF submission in March '97, OSD and DRP in Aug '97. We held a Sep '97 push workshop and ended up persuing RDF, a general framework for resource description and metadata, rather than particular vocabularies.

The idea behind this sort of generalized approach is that it adds just a little cost/complexity to each of the applications, but in return, each application is part of a richer whole. Convincing the developers of the first few applications when they can't see the benefits is a challenge. (See also: the HTTP extension framework [@@link], XML namespaces, etc.)

But imagine what the Web would be like if you needed a different client for search services, online documentation, community forums, and online banking. Actually, you don't have to imagine, you can probably just remember: you have used pre-web online information services, haven't you? ;-)

RSS is a very successful metadata application, and I am enthusiastic about the move to (re-)align it with RDF. In this little application alone, I'm using RDF to leverage the RSS vocabulary and the Dublin Core vocabulary in the same description of our site.



Ian, Rael, Danbri, Guha


Dan Connolly
$Revision: 1.14 $ of $Date: 2001/05/31 17:24:11 $ by $Author: danbri $