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Welcome to SpiritWeb! Wed Nov 27 2002

 The Twelve Sacred Tribes of Creation by Ronna Herman
Posted Mon, 4-Nov-2002 09:32:33 GMT (article)
Messages From Archangel Michael * LM-11-2002 - Transmitted Through Ronna Herman Beloved masters, it is time to expand your knowledge as to how the Creator's Plan was designed and how you all have been affected by that plan throughout your many lifetimes, but especially in this lifetime. We have explained many times before that your Earth resonates to the harmonics of the number seven, while your galaxy and this universe resonate to the harmonics of twelve. There have been numerous references to this in the past, some given in metaphors, and many that are so commonly known that you do not even think about their deeper meaning.

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 New Powerful Energy Corridors by Diandra
Posted Wed, 16-Oct-2002 10:19:06 GMT (article)
New Powerful Energy Corridors of Manifestation Are Anchored For Your Creative Process Salem As Channeled by Diandra This is Salem and always we come to you with the greatest respect for humanity. Always remember our words to you that you are the Creator of your reality and do not give that creative power to the ''drama' that appears to be taking place. Even though you are a part of mass consciousness you do not need to feel entrapped by those thought forms. As you think of time on Earth you are in an intense creative period. That is good news, as we anchor the Energy Corridors for your creations. We wish to speak to the use of the Energy Corridors. Because there is a great amount of chaotic thought forms at this time we have answered your request for help. The corridors are now anchored.

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 A Glimpse of Tomorrow by Ronna Herman
Posted Tue, 1-Oct-2002 14:10:17 GMT (article)
Messages From Archangel Michael * LM-10-2002 * Transmitted Through Ronna Herman Beloved masters, as the multidimensional expressions of change swirl around you, and time compresses and expands at an ever-accelerating rate, you must learn to "Go with the flow" in order to exist in a state of ease and grace. As all of you have experienced to one degree or another, life on Earth has changed drastically in the last fifty years. What was the norm in a third-dimensional environment no longer applies as you move through the multi-levels of higher Creator Light.

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 Calls From Within the Cocoon by Wistancia Stone
Posted Mon, 9-Sep-2002 23:15:09 GMT (article)
Calls From Within the Cocoon: We Are Meta Morphing - Maneuvering through a Magnificent Metamorphosis into a New Era and a New Earth The "Rock of the Ages": rolling into a New Era stepping up the stairs leading to New Earth Something very large and intense is occurring on Planet Earth. The proper energy for balance came in in the fall of 2001 and since then we have been experiencing what I call the "Rock of the Ages: rolling into a New Era and a New Earth is at hand! We have become accustomed to the Face of Transformation. And I have it on good authority that the shifts, changes and transformations that we have become accustomed to here, on Earth, are also being experienced in the solar system, the galaxy, our Universe, which is comprised of billions and billions of galaxies.

Full Article (12 pages)

 Food for the Soul by Ronna Herman
Posted Sun, 1-Sep-2002 18:30:11 GMT (article)
Messages From Archangel Michael * LM-9-2002 - Transmitted Through Ronna Herman Beloved masters, in order to exist, every living thing must be nourished. Every moment of your existence, with every breath you take, with every thought, emotion, and deed experienced, you are adding to or subtracting from the perfection of your true Self. Each lifetime, you create a facet or Spark of your Divine I AM Self, and you also create an overlay around your soul in order to experience the drama/lessons you have chosen. However, no matter how deeply you sink into density, you cannot distort, diminish, or deplete your Self in the higher dimensions of creation-it forever remains perfect-but all those things certainly can happen while in a physical body or in a world of material reality.

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Today's Universal Festival Calendar
Mon Nov 25 2002
This day is one of the year's great Goddess festivals, sacred to the female life principle variously known as Persephone, Proserpina, Kore and many other names, who spent half the year under the earth as consort of the King of the Dead, then re-emerged in spring to bring feminine warmth and joy back to the Earth. ...
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  • Daily Affirmation #331

    Invocation for the Fourth Ray of Harmony

    I call forth the energy of The Fourth Ray of Harmony. I ask that I be imbued with the qualities of this majestic ray. That I would seek harmony in all that I do and seek to express The One Most High in all activity and thought. I ask for the creative flow that is connected to Nature and Earth as well as Heaven to be alive in me, that I might express the divine flow of life as it moves through me. I ask for the qualities of purity, of hope, and of resurrection to help me to lift and balance and restore the Divine Plan on Earth and for myself. I ask to bring forth the beauty and perfection of Na ...

    Weekly Mysticism Quote #47

    Archangel Gabriel:

    "Whose name means -- 'God is my strength' -- seems to be our most frequent visitor from the higher realms. He astonished Mary, and her cousin Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, with the pronouncements concerning the births of their respective sons. To the followers of Islam, Gabriel is the Spirit of Truth who dictated the Koran to Mohammed. In Jewish legend it was Gabriel who parted the waters of the Red Sea so that the Hebrews could escape from the Pharaoh's soldiers."

    Today's Celestial Presence:

    Enoch - Planet: Earth
    © Celeste Korsholm

    Enoch was an old Testament prophet whose visionary experiences were recorded in "The Book of Enoch," which may be an even older writing than Genesis. "The Book of Knowledge, the Keys of Enoch" written by J.J.Hurtak is one of Enoch's recent efforts to awaken mankind to higher consciousness and warn them about coming events. He represents Earth on the Planetary Council. He influenced prophets such as Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce.

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