Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

July 22, 2000 (6 Muluc, 2 Vayeb, 8 Manik)

Greetings! We come before you in celebration, and filled with Joy! Much has happened in the previous galactic month. We are here to inform you of these facts and to begin to explain their significance. In many past messages, we have described how we have been slowly educating your many secret cabals about the integration procedures that you are all undergoing. This process is non-reversible. Its detailed aspects are defined clearly by the divine plan. In addition, under the aegis of Lord Surea, A-E-O-N has sent many Legions of heavenly hosts to your shores. These mighty Beings of Light have altered your timelines and transformed your reality completely. All that is left is the moment when you will finally change your inner perceptions and accept this new reality. As a part of this process, you have been given your freedom and been allowed to reclaim those great gifts which the Creator has given you. The only remaining obstacle has been the recalcitrance of your many secret rulers. Now, they, too, are beginning to see that their plans cannot come to pass. Rather, a new 'game plan' is now required.

      Over the past few galactic months, this new 'game plan' has been taking shape. It has permitted a large number of your secret rulers to begin to implement strategies that are more aligned with those of Heaven. Much has still to be done. Yet, we are quite confident that these things will be positively accomplished. Currently, we have reached a critical part of these complex negotiations and, hence, still need to keep the exact details from you. Nevertheless, we promise that, at the appropriate time, these details will be made known to you. What is happening is nothing short of miraculous and shows that the 'good works' that we have performed together are starting to bear fruit. Shortly, you will have many wonderful resources available to you. We ask that you dedicate these resources to completing the great task that sent you to these most sacred shores. Surrounding you is a planet in transition. It needs a great deal of Love and appreciation. In your midst, a global society is, literally, falling apart. It, too, requires your care, in order to make a peaceful transition into its new reality.

      See yourselves as enlightened guardians of this planet and her people. Understand that your role is to act as both the 'way-showers' and the mediators for what is about to transpire. This part of your mission requires much openness, great willingness to accept new perceptions, and the ability to be truly compassionate teachers. It is something that also needs you to understand how important positive group action can be. Your meditations and daily ritual have allowed us to set into motion events that will change this reality forever. You are all assisting in the co-creation of this reality. Here, we need to thank you sincerely for your great sacrifices and your great focus. Through them, you have assured that this global society is, in fact, very near to entering a really remarkable age. This age will see the granting of your full consciousness and reunion with your spiritual and space kin. It is a time in which you will achieve your grandest desires. To us, this means that you will be able to transform, easily, the whole of physical Creation.

      Physical Creation is a marvelously complex living entity. It has many parts, of which one is your reality. Normally, realities are quite numerous, and are created from contracts that fit into the many parameters that the divine plan has given them. Yours is a most wondrous exception. It has been permitted to move about rather haphazardly. This process was allowed for a mysterious reason that involves the very nature of consciousness and physicality. Heaven solemnly forged physicality to circumscribe consciousness. Physicality's task is to challenge it and to provide consciousness with infinite possibilities. These tests were not meant to be permanent, but are merely temporary measures, to be accomplished in definite stages. In your case, your irregular stages were quite different and, therefore, necessitated that certain dispensations be issued. These were accomplished, leaving you in a limited stage of consciousness. Now, they are being reversed for a most definite purpose.

      This purpose involves the way in which the next aspects of this Creation are meant to unfold. You have come here to transform this reality. Each of you has a prescribed role to play. This drama is presently revealing itself as Heaven has so divinely established. As it does, keep in mind that you are great Beings of the Light. Many of you have had a great number of lifetimes on this world. Some of you have not. In either case, you need to comprehend that what you have learned has one great merit - it has taught you about limitation and how to correct what it has given you. This knowledge enables you to expand physicality and, ultimately, to transform what has been created. Because of this acquired ability, you have formulated a great collective wisdom, which you will manifest in the next stage of your integration procedures. In employing it, you can produce a really amazing galactic society. This realm will achieve many prophesied wonders.

      In this new realm, you will be masters of many dimensions. You will also understand the nature of physicality and how it has bound consciousness. Mother/Father God has lovingly given you the profound ability to transform this limiting nature of physicality. In your collective wisdom, dear Ones, lies a great seed. This 'wisdom seed' will first manifest as your new realm, and will then be planted by your wise choices. These choices are quite capable of bringing harmony and joy to physicality in ways not experienced previously. This process can quickly germinate the 'wisdom seed'. Like a sudden explosion, a great wave will ripple ever outward throughout physicality and change it immensely. This aspect of your mission can only be begun in the limiting world that you now inhabit.

      This current realm has taught you many 'core perceptions' that you can use later to produce the collective wisdom about which we have just spoken. Look upon your present process as the attainment of some important concepts about physicality. This environment has severely challenged you. In spite of its many restrictions, you are moving toward the creation of numerous new perceptions that can transform your old limiting ones. In this new amalgam, you are producing something truly unique that is also quite wonderful. It is the catalyst for this 'wisdom seed' and the amazing gift that, ultimately, you will provide so graciously to all of physicality. As you employ it, physicality will release itself and co-create a new 'image'. This new 'image' will permit it to reunite with Heaven.

      You are transforming physicality. That, dear Ones, is why you have come to this strange yet sacred land. Mother Earth has long known your great destiny. She has graciously allowed herself to be changed into a Being that now sits in the midst of great despair. Her environment has been decimated and she knows that her children sit at the edge of extinction. Nonetheless, she also knows that the solution to these grand difficulties is at hand. It is contained in your shared transformation to a fully conscious state. To aid you, many wondrous technologies are about to become available during this last period of transition. We are providing these and many other valuable resources, and those who are now charged with their development will implement them. We ask you merely to remain committed and focused upon your most sacred mission.

      Today, we have discussed some wonderful developments. They are leading you toward your destiny. Know, dear Ones, that Heaven is ever mindful of your daily challenges. We are deeply determined to give you the heavenly resources that can assist you through the coming changes. In return, we request that you stay dedicated to the completion of your sacred mission. We now take our leave. Blessings to all! Know that Heaven's great abilities, and your own, will prevail. Amen. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for: Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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