[Flea Collar Ribbon logo]    nonaligned furs

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This World Wide Web site is concerned with people who want to be associated with "furry fandom," but who wish to be neutral in the current conflict between the so-called "Burned Fur movement" and those groups within the fandom whom the Burned Furs oppose. (The Freezing Furs was an unsucessful attempt to create a group to oppose the Burned Furs. (Original, now abandoned, Freezing Furs home page) They are not to be confused with the "Frozen Furs," the former name of the Minnesota Anthropomorphic Arts Society. The newsgroup alt.fan.furry.politics was created for discussion of this and other "political" issues in the fandom, although in fact most of the continuing debate still takes place on alt.fan.furry. Pressed Fur is a useful site with links to these and other relevant pages, including various media reports about furry fandom. The "Burned Fur Manifesto II," an attempt to create an alternative version of Burned Fur, has been abandoned by its author, who has left the Burned Furs. Here is a good article giving one outsider's view of the matter.) "Neutral" does not refer to moderates on either side, but to those who refuse to take sides altogether. These "non-aligned furs" may have a wide variety of reasons for being this way, depending on their individual points of view. They may:

Anthrocon 1999 was an encouraging experience. It strongly suggested to me and to others that members of furry fandom can work together and enjoy each others' company despite all the philosophical differences that persist.

We aren't talking about bland mindless "tolerance" of everything. Nor are we trying to deny that furry fandom has problems or suggesting that by ignoring those problems, we can make them go away. All we are really trying to suggest is that the whole War of the Burned Fur (or "Kuddlekampf") that is currently raging is absolutely not the way to solve anything at all. And it IS a sure-fire way to create a host of new problems, making everyone in the fandom, regardless of persuasion, miserable in the process. We are therefore not attempting to defend the status quo, but simply rejecting the idea that a confrontational approach is effective at achieving change. Those who stand the best chance at producing real, lasting, and positive change are those who can forge alliances and bridge differences among people who are otherwise diverse individuals.

"Non-aligned fur" is not just another club, party, faction, etc., and this web page is not meant to create one. Rather it is an attempt to recognize the existence of an attitude that was there all along, and that is not organized, because it does not need or want to be. It does, however, need to be recognized. "Non-aligned fur" is a concept, not a group. (For this reason, the phrase "non-aligned fur" should be written without capitalization.) Being listed as a supporter of this web page does not signify membership in anything, or anything else except agreement with the concept. Conversely, you can agree with the concept, and be nonaligned, without listing your name on this page. Nor need "non-alignment" be castigated as moral cowardice or indifference, because such a position may itself arise from a moral conviction.

What if they had a flamewar . . . and nobody came?

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace Furry Peace

Image copyright ©1999 by Richard de Wylfin. You may use it if you ask permission.

If the above expresses the way you feel, if you understand what we're getting at here, then you're already a non-aligned fur. In that case, this web page is here to encourage you to stand up for your point of view. To that end, here are a few suggestions for things to do in addition to whatever else you may have in mind.

You may want to link to this page from one of your own. To do this, you may use the "Flea Collars for the Furries" graphic at the top of this page. If you want to create your own graphic for this purpose, please do! You don't have to use that "Möbius strip flea collar" metaphor if you don't much like it; use whatever concept you think best expresses the idea of a "non-aligned fur." And don 't forget to to send your original graphic right here to share with others who might want to use it.

Once you're linked here, you may want to place your name into the registry of supporters. To do this, just send an e-mail and your name, plus a link to your site if you have one, will be listed on this site. (Your e-mail address, or other contact information, will not be posted unless you request it.) Alternatively, you may sign the Non-Aligned Furs GuestPad. (To read all of the posts on the GuestPad, click the "View Complete GuestPad" button.)

The following have asked to be listed as supporters:

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Last modifed December 2, 2001. This page was created by Richard de Wylfin. He is solely responsible for its content. This page is not created or endorsed by Furnation or its adminstrators, and does not reflect their views. The creator of this page is not responsible for the views or actions of anyone whose site is linked from, or links to, this page. The individuals listed as "supporters" of this page are those who have requested to be listed by e-mail. Their views or actions should not be construed as reflecting the views of the creator of this page. Linking to a site does not constitute endorsement of its contents, unless such endorsement is explictly indicated. Honi soit qui mal y pense. DO NOT TAUNT HAPPY FUN MöBIUS STRIP. This program has come to you from the United States of America.