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From the Courts
Supreme Court Blocks 300th Texas Execution
Supreme Court Accepts Appeal in Police Questioning Case

Inside the Beltway
Democrats' Amendments to Late Abortion Ban Bill Defeated
Democrats reject new Estrada query

Junk Science
Nevada Cancer Scare Is Tree-Ring Circus
Junk Science Oscars

Campaign Central
Candidates breaking term-limit promises  will voters make them pay?
GOP targets president’s congressman


Political Games
Coalition of the billing -- or unwilling?
SAG: Don't blacklist anti-war actors

Media Bias
Ted Koppel, Crank Caller
The Varieties of Media Bias, Part 1

National Security
U.S. Seeks U.N. Vote on Iraq on Friday
Korea Calls for Action Against Iraq 
France Blocks UK Plan on Iraq

Civil Liberties
Hey, That Was My Idea!
Send me your disgruntled masses

Outrage of the Day

Woman Who Slipped on Dog Feces to Get Jury Trial

The Boone Circuit Court granted Petsmart a summary judgment in September 2001, and dismissed Vickie Jenkins' claim that store owners were negligent in her fall.

Jenkins had testified in the original case that she shopped at the store at least once a week for about six years, and never encountered animal feces or urine on the floor.

She told the court that on April 23, 1999, she was shopping at the store, and was not looking where she was going when she stepped in the feces and slipped.

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